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Lyndon Johnson Domestic Events.

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1 Lyndon Johnson Domestic Events

2 The Great Society The Great Society - a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by President Lyndon B. Johnson in The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice

3 Big Victories Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965

4 Great Society Programs

5 Great Society Programs Still Impacting America
Medicare – (elderly) Medicaid-(lower income/dependent children) Free lunch programs Head Start Housing and Urban Development Water/Air Quality Acts

6 Why are some programs not as successful as others?
Step one- ensure a safe, acceptable standard of housing for Americans. (Check)

7 Why are some programs not as successful as others?
Step two- provide education and job training to get people out of “minimum” conditions and on to a better life. (Not so much) Why not- Vietnam, the moon, inflation = we ran out of money Not just housing, many Great Society programs fall apart due to a lack of funding and unwillingness by voters to raise taxes.

8 1968 a year of turmoil After the victories of the civil rights act ‘64 and voting rights of ’65 Dr. King begins to focus on workers rights and workplace discrimination While in Memphis to protest of behalf of striking sanitation workers he is assassinated at his hotel.

9 1968 a year of turmoil Johnson decides not to run for office again
Bobby Kennedy decides to run for the President He is seen as a symbolic return to his brother’s your and optimism He is killed at a political rally in a San Francisco Hotel


11 1968 a year of turmoil The Democratic National Convention is held in Chicago to pick the party’s nominee for president Johnson decides not to run because of the Vietnam War’s unpopularity Many oppose the party’s choice to run (Hubert Humphrey)(brokered convention) Protesters come to speak out about the election, Vietnam, civil rights, the assassinations and anything else that has them pissed off. Mayor Dailey of Chicago uses police force to end the protest and it sparks an even bigger wave of protests.

12 1968 a year of turmoil

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