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Presentation on theme: "What is SUSTAINABILITY??"— Presentation transcript:


Sustainable Ability to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs This can be done as a quick, individual exercise or a very brief class discussion.

3 Modern view of sustainability
Not just about protecting the environment from human development... Environmental goals overlap with SOCIAL & ECONOMIC goals as well TRIPLE bottom line

4 3 scientific principles of sustainability
See p. 5 in text... Write 1-2 sentences explaining how each of these supports sustainability

5 Renewable Resources resources that are replenished by the environment over relatively short periods of time. Solar energy Plants Animals Water Geothermal energy biofuels

6 Inexhaustible Resources
Resources that are continuously available and can be replenished quickly & easily Water Sunlight wind

7 Nonrenewable Resources
resources that are not easily replenished by the environment; used faster than they can be replenished Coal Oil Natural gas Nuclear fuels

8 Read the Introduction and be prepared to answer the following:
How does an ecological footprint differ from a regular footprint? What information could you use to measure your ecological footprint?

9 ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT Impact of a person or community on the environment Amount of land required to sustain their use of natural resources

10 BIOLOGICAL CAPACITY the capacity of a given biologically productive area to generate an on-going supply of renewable resources and to absorb its spillover wastes. Unsustainability occurs if the area's ecological footprint exceeds its biocapacity.

11 ECOLOGICAL DEFICIT When an area/country’s ecological footprint exceeds its biocapacity If the footprint is higher than the biological capacity EX: the world’s ecological footprint (per capita) is the world biological capacity is 1.8 hpa...therefore the world has an ecological deficit of -0.4

12 Can the earth’s ecosystems sustain our current use of resources?
Challenge Can the earth’s ecosystems sustain our current use of resources?

13 Access the survey at My Ecological Footprint Survey
Gather information on the worksheet (Student Sheet 4.1, “Ecological Footprint Homework) before you begin the survey. Access the survey at My Ecological Footprint Survey Once you complete the survey, print/screen shot results or record your results The 2 items needed are: # planet Earths needed and # of global acres needed to sustain your current lifestyle You may wish to prepare your own copy of Student Sheet 4.1, “Ecological Footprint Homework,” with average data for your community in case a student is uncomfortable sharing their family’s information or does not complete the Student Sheet prior to class. As appropriate, review the concept of an “average” person. More information and suggestions on how to review this concept can be found in your Teacher’s Edition.

14 Per capita ecological footprint
Average ecological footprint of an individual in a given country or area Look on p. 13 in the text at Figure 1-11 & 1-12 Who has a greater negative impact on environment…developing or developed countries? (support your answer)

15 Developed…due to AFFLUENCE (wealth)…consume large amounts of resources…far beyond what is needed
Developing…due to POPULATION SIZE…a lot of people can quickly deplete a resource See Figure 1-14 p. 15



18 IPAT Impact = Population X Affluence X Technology
Creates an ecological deficit: ecological footprint is higher than biological capacity to replenish resources or absorb resulting waste & pollution

19 So…what can you do to change your ecological footprint?
What can the US do to change its ecological footprint? How does your ecological footprint compare? Characteristics of a more sustainable lifestyle…less sustainable lifestyle?


21 Although Nature needs thousands or millions of years to create a new species, man needs only a few dozen years to destroy one Victor Scheffer

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