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Welcome to…. Year 10 Careers Class With Miss Pinkerton.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to…. Year 10 Careers Class With Miss Pinkerton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to…. Year 10 Careers Class With Miss Pinkerton

2 Housekeeping/Happy Classroom
Seating Plan, Classroom policy (mobiles, Ipods, Ipads, laptops), Arrival to class on time, Must complete all tasks, Respect each other, HAVE FUN!

3 What is this class all about?!
Getting you prepared for the World of Work! Giving you options Looking at opportunities (NOW) No Assessments/Writing/Bookwork

4 Pathways

5 Career Classes

6 Maximising Opportunities

7 Employment Apprenticeship/Traineeship University Gap Year

8 Employers value Experience………any and all experience (think about the skills you have learned from all of your casual and part-time jobs..…Work Experience, Volunteering (School canteen, SRC, Fundraising Days) Attending/ helping at fetes/a local show, markets etc.

9 START READING JOB ADS - Look for interesting positions, for the language used in job ads, for names of companies who advertise the jobs that interest you.



12 Join student organisations and professional associations – 70% of jobs are not advertised but are filled through networking.

13 Become known to teachers and faculty
Become known to teachers and faculty. Academic Staff are important as referees and will write you great references.

14 Attend Seminars and Workshops – Take advantage to all of these opportunities!






20 Home of Peel High School Careers newsletters/updates/current employment opportunities

21 Search PHS Careers on facebook or find Helen Pinkerton

22 Helen Pinkerton (linked to PHS Careers)

23 Careers Classes Booklets
Write your name on the booklet Write your class Turn to Page 4 for your activity

24 Homework Like the PHS Facebook Page
Friend “Helen Pinkerton” on Facebook Look around the PHS Careers page

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