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Location What is the relative location of Canada?

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Presentation on theme: "Location What is the relative location of Canada?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Location, Climate, Natural Resources, And Trade of Canada and Australia

2 Location What is the relative location of Canada?

3 Canadian Facts, Eh! Canada is the second largest country in the world (space wise, not population) Largest country in western hemisphere It is slightly smaller than all of Europe which is made up of 45 countries It only borders one country, The United States

4 Where do People Live? Most live on the southern border with the United States. About 90% live within 100 miles of the border between the United States 80 % people live in urban areas

5 Why Do people Live Near the Border?
90% of Canada is too cold for agriculture to take place. In subarctic and arctic region long and cold winters and short, cool summers. Possible to be below freezing even in the summer Snowfall can exceed 100 inches a year in some parts of Canada


7 Trade In Canada The Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River provide important trade routes. Also 9 major seaports. Excellent railroads and highways also carry goods

8 Natural Resources Rich in natural resources
Because many of the natural resources of Canada are found in remote areas, Canadians are spread across their country to be near these resources and the jobs that are created. Lakes provide fish, fresh water, and hydroelectric power Good soil allows farmers to grow crops Canadian Shield rich in mining opportunities including copper, iron, nickel, silver, and gold. The forests are also a major natural resource providing timber

9 Environmental Issues Cars and Factories in the cities causes….
Extracting minerals in the Canadian Shield causes…. Cutting down trees for timber causes…… Dumping chemicals and trash in Great Lakes causes…. Air Pollution and Acid Rain Erosion Deforestation Pollution

10 Environmental Issue Poster
State the problem, Come up with a solution, and draw and color an illustration!

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