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An Ancient Gesture Edna St. Vincent Milay.

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Presentation on theme: "An Ancient Gesture Edna St. Vincent Milay."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Ancient Gesture Edna St. Vincent Milay

2 Bellwork 9/11/2018 Define the following words: Annals Epic Extremity
Intact Demoralize Disperse Replenish Inconspicuous Landlocked Negotiate

3 Lesson 15: Modern poetry: Transforming a classic text

4 Learning Objectives

5 Who is Penelope?

6 How does she appear to you?

7 Why is she looking like this?


9 While Milay offers valid points, I still maintain, or think _______.
Sentence starters: How did Edna St. Vincent Milay change your mind about Odysseus? When I read An Ancient Gesture, my reaction to Odysseus’s display of emotion was ___. While Milay offers valid points, I still maintain, or think _______.

10 Conversation Stems: X is the person’s name.
So you’re saying/asking/seeking clarification on [restatement of the student’s comment/question]. Do I have that right?” “Y, restate or rephrase what X said.” “How do you know? What evidence from the text supports your thinking?” “Who agrees/disagrees with X? Why?” “Can someone add to what X said?” “Take your time. We’ll wait.” “Who wants to change their thinking after listening to X’s explanation/comment/question? How did it change your thinking?”>



13 Summarize the Poem with your Partner
Make sure to answer these questions in your Paraphrase. Who seems to be speaking? Where is this story taking place? What is the setting? When does the action take place? What seems to be the conflict? Why is there a conflict? Is there any background information? Summarize the Poem with your Partner


15 We will complete the next row in pairs and as a whole group.

16 Guiding Questions Does the sentence structure change?
Does the point of view change? Does the subject change? Does the tone change?

17 Complete the next two rows in pairs.
For the title row, examine the title again. What does it mean now that you’ve read the poem? Did the meaning of the title change?”

18 Thematic Sentence In other words, what the author has to say about the subject is represented by the abstract noun such as Dignity, Bravery, Courage, Hope, Faith, Happiness. “a sentence that describes how the author’s vision about the human condition is revealed”).

19 Thematic statements: should reveal truths about human nature.
should be declarative sentences. should be universal. (The thematic statement should be able to apply to another text.) should not be bound by time period, genre, culture, etc. should reveal truths about human nature.

20 Exit Ticket

21 Study the definitions on notebook cards
Homework Study the definitions on notebook cards Be prepared to take a Vocabulary quiz on Friday

22 Extra Credit Project Individual: Select a country that interests you.
Pick a myth which interests you. Make a powerpoint with artwork or make a poster. You can also make a cartoon also using a cartoon app online. Be Prepared to explain the Following: [1] The importance of the myth, [2] The universal theme, [3] any significant historical facts about the culture of the country you chose associated with the myth, and [4] any modern cultural references associated with the myth. After I receive your countries and similarities, I will pick groups. Use the resources you were given on Friday from Mrs. Schwam

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