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Unit 5 Review.

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1 Unit 5 Review

2 Tractors, pesticides, and exporting goods are 3 parts of what?

3 Third Agricultural Revolution

4 When 3rd world countries (LDCs) adopted Third Agricultural Revolution practices?

5 Green Revolution

6 Green Revolution most successful in what country?

7 India Synthetic rice Use of irrigation systems to create “artificial” monsoon

8 What is another name for sustainable agriculture?

9 Organic Agriculture

10 Which agricultural revolution was accelerated by the Industrial Revolution; increasing use of tools?

11 Second Agricultural Revolution

12 What started the First Agricultural Revolution?

13 Vegetative Agriculture (roots/stems)
Seed agriculture came later

14 What ring did Von Thünen place the livestock?

15 4th ring

16 What are the 2 things necessary to maximize profits?

17 Decrease transportation and production costs

18 How does putting livestock in 4th ring maximize profit?

19 Decreases transportation costs since animals are self-transporting

20 Who had a theory that the agricultural methods depend on the size of the population. The larger the world population grows, the more innovations are made to make feeding the expanding population possible.

21 Ester Boserup More optimistic than Thomas Malthus

22 Who identified 11 agricultural hearths?

23 Carl Sauer

24 What was the agricultural hearth for wheat and barley?

25 Mesopotamia (Fertile Crescent)

26 What is the agricultural hearth for the potato?

27 South America (current day Peru)

28 Agricultural hearth for corn?

29 Mexico

30 Agricultural hearth for yams?

31 West Africa

32 Most of the world uses what type of agriculture?

33 Intensive Subsistence Agriculture

34 Where is most shifting cultivation agriculture done?

35 Near the equator in LDCs

36 What type of agriculture uses double cropping?

37 Intensive Subsistence Farming
Farming to survive Having to make the most of the land due to population demands

38 What is the term for growing multiple crops on the same land?
Growing a fragile crop between 2 rows of durable crops to protect fragile crops from downpour

39 Intertillage

40 If you’re tying to use less artificial fertilizers (more sustainable agriculture), you can help keep the soil from drying out by planting peanuts after having planting tobacco the season before. This would be:

41 Crop Rotation

42 Shifting cultivations exist in societies with what 3 factors?

43 Low technology High amounts of land Low population

44 Cash cropping is to ____ as subsistence farming is to ________.
Intensive; extensive B. Plantations; agribusiness C. Extensive; intensive D. Agribusiness; aquaculture

45 C – Extensive; intensive

46 Why is the Middle East known as the Fertile Crescent?

47 Location of first sedentary farms/ 1st urban society (city-state)

48 Name of Von Thünen’s book and from where?

49 The Isolated State; Germany

50 Teachers are in what sector?

51 Quaternary

52 College Professor; Research Lab Geneticist?

53 Quinary Sector

54 6 major assumptions of Von Thünen

55 Only 1 market Dietary preferences from Germany Maximize profits All points in model are equal distance Physical environment is uniform Farmers are market oriented

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