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Wireless Channels Y. Richard Yang 01/12/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Channels Y. Richard Yang 01/12/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Channels Y. Richard Yang 01/12/2011

2 Outline Recap Characteristic of wireless channels

3 Recap: Wireless and Mobile Computing
Driven by technology and infrastructure wireless communication technology global infrastructure device miniaturization and capabilities software development platforms Challenges: wireless channel: unreliable, open access mobility portability changing environment heterogeneity

4 Recap: Overview of Wireless Transmissions
source coding bit stream channel coding analog signal sender modulation receiver bit stream source decoding channel decoding demodulation

5 ideal periodical digital signal
Fourier Transform: Every Signal Can be Decomposed as a Collection of Harmonics Time domain Frequency domain 1 1 t t ideal periodical digital signal decomposition Two representations: time domain; frequency domain Knowing one can recover the other

6 Try spectrum1.m and spectrum2.m
Examples Try spectrum1.m and spectrum2.m

7 Recap: Modulation Objective Basic schemes
encode digital data into analog signals at the right frequency range Basic schemes Amplitude Modulation (AM) Frequency Modulation (FM) Phase Modulation (PM)

8 Modulation Modulation of digital signals known as Shift Keying
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK): Frequency Shift Keying (FSK): Phase Shift Keying (PSK): 1 t

9 Example Suppose fc = 1 GHz (fc1 = 1 GHz, fc0 = 900 GHz for FSK)
Bit rate is 1 Mbps Encode one bit at a time Bit seq: Q: How does the wave look like for each scheme? 1 t t

10 Phase Shift Keying: BPSK
BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying): bit value 0: sine wave bit value 1: inverted sine wave very simple PSK Properties robust, used e.g. in satellite systems Q I 1 Q: What is the spectrum usage of BPSK?

11 Spectral Density of BPSK
Spectral Density = bit rate width of spectrum used b fc : freq. of carrier Rb =Bb = 1/Tb b fc

12 Phase Shift Keying: QPSK
11 10 00 01 Q I A t QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying): 2 bits coded as one symbol symbol determines shift of sine wave often also transmission of relative, not absolute phase shift: DQPSK - Differential QPSK

13 Phase Shift Keying: Comparison
fc: carrier freq. Rb: freq. of data 10dB = 10; 20dB =100 BPSK A QPSK t 11 10 00 01

14 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM): combines amplitude and phase modulation it is possible to code n bits using one symbol 2n discrete levels 0000 0001 0011 1000 Q I 0010 φ a Example: 16-QAM (4 bits = 1 symbol) Symbols 0011 and 0001 have the same phase φ, but different amplitude a and 1000 have same amplitude but different phase Q: why would any one use BPSK, but the highest QAM?

15 Antennas and Signal Propagation

16 Antennas: Isotropic Radiator
Isotropic radiator: a single point equal radiation in all directions (three dimensional) only a theoretical reference antenna Radiation pattern: measurement of radiation around an antenna z y z ideal isotropic radiator y x x Q: how does power level decrease as a function of d, the distance from the transmitter to the receiver?

17 Free-Space Isotropic Signal Propagation
In free space, receiving power proportional to 1/d² (d = distance between transmitter and receiver) Suppose transmitted signal is x, received signal y = h x, where h is proportional to 1/d² Pr: received power Pt: transmitted power Gr, Gt: receiver and transmitter antenna gain  (=c/f): wave length Sometime we write path loss in log scale: Lp = 10 log(Pt) – 10log(Pr)

18 Free Space Signal Propagation
1 t at distance d ?

19 Real Antennas Q: Assume frequency 1 Ghz,  = ?
Real antennas are not isotropic radiators Some simple antennas: quarter wave /4 on car roofs or half wave dipole /2  size of antenna proportional to wavelength for better transmission/receiving /4 /2 Q: Assume frequency 1 Ghz,  = ?

20 Dipole: Radiation Pattern of a Dipole

21 Why Not Digital Signal (revisited)
Not good for spectrum usage/sharing The wavelength can be extremely large to build portal devices e.g., T = 1 us -> f=1/T = 1MHz -> wavelength = 3x108/106 = 300m

22 Figure for Thought: Real Measurements

23 Signal Propagation Receiving power additionally influenced by
shadowing (e.g. through a wall or a door) refraction depending on the density of a medium reflection at large obstacles scattering at small obstacles diffraction at edges diffraction reflection refraction scattering shadow fading

24 Signal Propagation: Scenarios
Details of signal propagation are very complicated We want to understand the key characteristics that are important to our objective

25 i.e. reduces to ¼ of signal 10 log(1/4) = -6.02
Shadowing Signal strength loss after passing through obstacles Some sample numbers i.e. reduces to ¼ of signal 10 log(1/4) = -6.02

26 Multipath Signal can take many different paths between sender and receiver due to reflection, scattering, diffraction

27 Multipath Can Reduce Signal Strength
Example: reflection from the ground: received power decreases proportional to 1/d4 instead of 1/d² due to the destructive interference between the direct signal and the signal reflected from the ground ground For detail, see page 9:

28 Multipath Fading Due to constructive and destructive interference of multiple transmitted waves, signal strength may vary widely as a function of receiver position

29 Multipath Fading: A Simple Two-path Example
receiver - Wavelength is about 0.3 m for 1 GHz cellular

30 More detail see page 16 Eqn. (2.13):
Multipath Fading with Mobility: A Simple Two-path Example r(t) = r0 + v t, assume transmitter sends out signal cos(2 fc t) r0 More detail see page 16 Eqn. (2.13):

31 Received Waveform v = 65 miles/h, fc = 1 GHz:
10 ms deep fade v = 65 miles/h, fc = 1 GHz: fc v/c = 109 * 30 / 3x108 = 100 Hz Why is fast multipath fading bad?

32 Small-Scale Fading

33 Multipath Can Spread Delay
signal at sender LOS pulse Time dispersion: signal is dispersed over time multipath pulses signal at receiver LOS: Line Of Sight

34 RMS: root-mean-square
Delay Spread RMS: root-mean-square

35 Multipath Can Cause ISI
dispersed signal can cause interference between “neighbor” symbols, Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) Assume 300 meters delay spread, the arrival time difference is /3x108 = 1 ms if symbol rate > 1 Ms/sec, we will have serious ISI In practice, fractional ISI can already substantially increase loss rate signal at sender LOS pulse multipath pulses signal at receiver LOS: Line Of Sight

36 Summary: Wireless Channels
Channel characteristics change over location, time, and frequency Received Signal Large-scale fading Power power (dB) path loss log (distance) time small-scale fading frequency

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