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Language Variations: Japanese and English

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1 Language Variations: Japanese and English
Syntax Language Variations: Japanese and English

2 Google result for Syntax
Definition: The study of the rules that govern the ways in which words combine to form phrases, clauses, and sentences.

3 Syntax: Enigma Short time: Despite of socio-economical environment or IQ scores, all human children acquire their L1 by age 5-6. Complex: Productivity (we can understand/produce infinite # of sentences) as one of the properties of human language. Is it possible to satisfy “Productivity” with finite and possibly incomplete input?

4 Plato’s (427-347 B.C.) Problem: the Gap between Knowledge and Experience
How do we account for our knowledge when environmental conditions seem to be an insufficient source of information?

5 Syntax: What do we really want to explain?
Short time: Children are equipped with an innate Universal Grammar (UG), a set of plans for the grammatical machinery that powers all human languages.

6 Syntax: What do we really want to explain?
Complex Combination of small sets of simple rules generate complex expressions. Question: How many rules do we need to generate complex expressions?

7 fI I see… all human speak the same language with different dialect….

8 Basic Ideas of Syntax Productivity Autonomy Word order
Lexical category Constituent Phrasal category Phrase structure (PS) rules

9 Q: How does a language work?
Combination of Lexicon and rules a). Lexicon b). Sets of rules and combination e.g.{cat, house, the, is, in} The cat is in the house. The house is in the cat. *The is cat in the house. *House in the cat the. *The cat in the is house. *The cat is the house is. *House the in is cat the.

10 Subcategorization (selectional property of verbs)
1. Intransitive verbs S[NP VP] 2. Transitive verbs S[NP VP NP] 3. Ditransitive verbs 4. Verbs with sentence complements S[NP VP [1, 2. 3 or 4]…recursive

11 Language Variation: Japanese and English
Word order = SOV VP [NP V] Particle Flexible words order English Word order = SVO VP [V NP] No particle Extremely fixed word order

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