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ESCAPE! Vocabulary 1-10.

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Presentation on theme: "ESCAPE! Vocabulary 1-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESCAPE! Vocabulary 1-10

2 1-escape

3 1-escape To slip or get away from

4 Escape

5 2-criminal justice system

6 2-criminal justice system
Enforce the law and protect the rights of citizens

7 criminal justice system

8 3-antisocial

9 3-antisocial unwilling or unable to associate in a normal or friendly way with other people

10 antisocial

11 4-juvenile

12 4-juvenile a young person; youth

13 juvenile

14 5-inmate

15 a person who is confined in a prison, hospital, etc.
5-inmate a person who is confined in a prison, hospital, etc.

16 inmate

17 6-sentries

18 6-sentries a soldier stationed at a place to stand guard and prevent the passage of unauthorized persons

19 sentries

20 7-indeterminate sentence

21 7-indeterminate sentence
a penalty, imposed by a court, that has relatively wide or no limits

22 indeterminate sentence

23 8-wheezing

24 to breathe with difficulty and with a whistling sound
8-wheezing to breathe with difficulty and with a whistling sound

25 wheezing

26 9-asthma

27 an illness which causes difficulty in breathing
9-asthma an illness which causes difficulty in breathing

28 asthma

29 10-cat walk

30 a narrow walkway high above the surrounding area
10-cat walk a narrow walkway high above the surrounding area

31 cat walk

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