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A Military Application of CMOS Digital

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1 A Military Application of CMOS Digital
ASNT FALL CONFERENCE 2006 A Military Application of CMOS Digital X-ray for High-Energy, High-Resolution and VERY LARGE Format John Pursley Envision Product Design LLC


3 13 Year’s of Innovations in Digital X-Ray Imaging
1993 Image Intensifier with vidicon MCP & cooled CCD imager Amorphous silicon panel 2000 CMOS flat panel 2001 CMOS linear array CMOS scanners 2003 Real-time CMOS 2004 High-energy CMOS 2006 No Parallax CMOS Panel

4 Redstone Arsenal Requirements
High Energy Digital X-ray Imaging System Capable of handling and inspecting test items up to 16,000 pounds and up to 20 feet in length High output X-ray generator capable of adequate flux for imaging through 54” of solid propellant Capable of producing images with a spatial resolution of 80 microns

Stage 2 7” dia 13’ long 350 # 10” dia 17’ long 700 # 13” dia 20’ long 2000 # 16” dia 17’ long 2000 # 24” dia 13’ long 3700 # 54” dia 8’ long 9400 #

6 X-ray Options X-ray film Image Intensifier (CCD)
Linear diode array (LDA) Storage-phosphor plate (CR) aSi Flat panel (DR) CMOS linear array (DR) CMOS flat panel (DR)

7 CMOS Linear Array Characteristics for Rocket Inspection Project:
Unlimited image format Performance at 9 Mv High spatial resolution – 80 micron Slot collimated for scatter rejection Out-of-the-beam detector = long service life

8 An Example of CMOS Service Life
2,500,000 large parts inspected at 350kv 14ma Over 10,000 hours of X-ray ON time

9 Large Format, High Resolution, High Energy and No Parallax
3 “ to 5” carbon steel 15” x 96” object shot at 6 MV

10 System Components 9 MV Linear Accelerator
36” CMOS Special High Energy Array Rotating Precision Motion Stage for Array Moving Platforms for Accelerator & Array Rocket Handling System Rotating Belts that conform to item size Lifting Stands with precision movement Imaging & Control Workstation

11 9 MV Linear Accelerator

12 36” CMOS High Energy Array

13 Rotating Precision Motion Stage for CMOS Array

14 Platforms for Linear Accelerator & Imaging System Skids moveable to change distance between source, object and detector

15 Rocket Handling System Rotating Belts & Lifting Stands Stands moveable to accommodate rocket length and obstacles such as fins

16 Synchronized Scanning Vertical CMOS array and fan beam collimation

17 Tangential Scanning in 36” increments Horizontal CMOS linear array and fan beam collimation

18 Imaging & Control Workstation

19 Conclusions CMOS linear array technology provides Large Format and High Energy digital x-ray imaging in real-time. Material handling systems can be integrated to accommodate items in a broad range of sizes and weights. High spatial and contrast resolution meet the most demanding image quality requirements in some cases down to 1/1T. Lack of parallax in the digital image allows accurate dimensional measurements and simplifies the application of automatic defect recognition (ADR) software. Out-of-the-beam detector geometry extends detector life up to 20,000 hours service life, greatly reducing the total cost of ownership for the Q/A inspection system which then contributes to U.S. manufacturing competitiveness.

20 Also... some cool Alaska links!
Visit our web site for pictures, specifications, and sample images from CMOS systems. Also... some cool Alaska links!

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