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Presentation on theme: "Biomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomes

2 Biomes A _______ is a large group of ecosystems that share the same kind of climate (temperature, water) There are 2 Major Types of Biomes: 1. 2. biome Terrestrial *(land) Aquatic (water)

3 Terrestrial Biomesclick me
Terrestrial biomes are biomes located on _____. All Terrestrial Biomes are based upon the various types of Climate Patterns. There are 6 Types of Terrestrial Biomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. land Tundra Taiga Desert Grassland Deciduous Forest Tropical Rainforest

4 Tundraclick Tundra environments have extremely _____ weather.
The greatest precipitation is _____. Most animals respond to this environment by growing thick fur and the plants remain small (dwarf). This is known as the treeless biome. The soil is __________, which is a layer of permanently frozen ground. cold snow permafrost Animals include: Reindeer, caribou, polar bears, arctic wolves, foxes, hares

5 Tundra

6 Desert Desert environments are ____ & ____.
Animals adapt to this environment by constantly conserving (saving) ______ when it is needed for them most. Animals are usually nocturnal. Nocturnal animals are those that sleep during the ____, and come out at _____ when it is much cooler. hot dry water day night

7 Desert The desert plants have shallow and sprawling roots to soak up as much rain water as possible when it does rain

8 Animals include: monkeys, chimpanzees, parrots, iguanas, and toucans.
Tropical Rainforest Tropical Rain Forest environment is the _______ & _______ of all biomes. It’s considered the warmest because of AVERAGE temperatures, the desert gets much hotter It is found in areas near the ________. Most life severely depends upon the _______ available. The forest area is characterized by _______. wettest warmest Animals include: monkeys, chimpanzees, parrots, iguanas, and toucans. equator sunlight layers

9 Tropical Rain Forest EXTRA NOTES
The rainforest biome has the greatest bio-diversity (different kinds of life) because of how many producers it has.

10 Grassland Grasslands environments experience a ____ & ____ season.
Many animals in this are _______ animals. ________ animals are those that feed upon plants, grass, etc. The soil in this area is _____. wet dry grazing Grazing Animals include: coyotes, red tail hawk, buffalo, elephants, giraffes and zebras. rich

11 Grasses have really deep roots in the Grasslands

12 Squirrels, chipmunks, weasels, raccoons, deer, and owls.
Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest environments have an abundant level of _________. They also have 4 distinct ______. Trees usually lose their leaves in the ______. This is also the Biome where WE LIVE! Squirrels, chipmunks, weasels, raccoons, deer, and owls. precipitation seasons winter

13 Deciduous Forest EXTRA NOTES
The deciduous forest has 4 seasons and it is the biome in which we live!

14 Coniferous Forest Taiga
Taiga environments consist of long severe _______ & short, dry ________. Most animals adapt by _________ when it is cold, coming back when it is warm. There are many adaptable trees such as evergreen trees. winters summers migrating Animals include: bald eagle, bobcat, wolverine and grey wolf.

15 http://player. discoveryeducation. com/index. cfm

16 Food Webs What is a food web?

17 Aquatic Biomes Aquatic Biomes are those biomes located in bodies of ______. All Aquatic Biomes are based upon the salinity (saltiness) of the water. Also, the aquatic biomes takes up the most space on Earth. There are 3 Kinds of Aquatic Biomes: 1. 2. 3. water Marine: High Salinity Level (Saltwater) Estuary: Moderated Salinity Level (Mildly Salty) Freshwater: Little to No Salinity Levels at all

18 Marine/Saltwater BiomesClick
Examples of saltwater biomes include: oceans and seas (Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Arabian Sea, Black Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea.) Animals that can be found in saltwater biomes include: seahorses, starfish, eel, sharks, whales, tuna, and jellyfish. Plants include: kelp, seaweed and *phytoplankton.

19 Freshwater Ecosystems
Consists streams, rivers, lakes, marshes and swamps. 3% of the world’s water is fresh. 99% are frozen in glaciers or stored in aquifers, the remainder is in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The limnetic zone is the layer where photosynthesis can occur. The profundal zone is where the sun cannot reach and the bottom dwellers live (bacteria and fungi). Freshwater ecosystems have low salt content.

20 Freshwater Plants Water Pads Cattails

21 Workshop Pond-er This!

22 Plants include: cord grass, salt hay, and salt grass.
Estuaries A place where fresh and saltwater meet (brackish) in a coastal area. Important for removing pollutants. Examples include: salt marshes, bays, sounds, and deltas. Environments include flooding and extreme temperatures. Salt Marsh Ecosystems protect coast from erosion (wear down) Plants include: cord grass, salt hay, and salt grass.

23 Estuary Animals Diamond Back Terrapin Seagulls Otters Sparrow
Blue Crabs

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