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Welcome to Year 5!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5!

2 Staff in Green Class Mrs Chapman – teacher Mrs Legon – TA
Mrs Bull & Miss Chittenden – LSAs Mrs Watkins – target maths groups

3 A Typical Week Mornings
English - main lesson, spelling, grammar, handwriting. Maths – main lesson, quick maths, times tables practice and testing. Assembly.

4 A Typical Week Afternoons Reading – guided groups, reading activities.
IPC, Science, PE, French, RE, Computing. Friday afternoons – Green time.

5 Creative Writing Project
Using art, drama, music, dance and film making to inspire writing. Working with different experts, in conjunction with Anglia Ruskin University and the Royal Opera House.

6 Homework Homework books with activity sheets.
Books handed out on Fridays, to be back in the following Wednesday. Spellings – every week, given on Mondays and tested on Fridays. Encourage your child to complete their homework to a high standard. Encourage them to take responsibility!

7 Expectations Good attendance and punctuality. Excellent behaviour.
Positive attitude – always trying your best GROWTH MINDSET Presentation – smart uniform, neat work. Enjoyment and enthusiasm! Supporting each other.

8 How to Help Support with homework. Encouraging reading at home.
Promoting independence. Ensuring correct PE kit is in school – PE will usually be on Tuesdays. Any problems – please speak to us! Monday, Tuesday or Thursday afternoons are the best times for this.


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