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Overseas Pakistanis Foundation
A Presentation to Managing Director, OPF From, Human Resource Wing, OPF
Organogram of HR & Admin. Division Administration Division
Human Resource & Administration Division Human Resource Wing Admin. Wing Legal Cell
Organogram of HR & Admin. Division
Director General (HR & Admin.) Director (Human Resource) Director (Admin.) Additional Director / Sr. Law Officer Additional Director (HR) Vacant Additional Director (Admin.) Vacant Law Officer Deputy Director (HR) Vacant Deputy Director (Admin.) Deputy Director (Security) Support Staff 3x Assistant Directors 4x Assistant Directors Security Supervisors, Security Assistants and Security Guards 1x Superintendent 3x Welfare Officers 1x Welfare Officer Support Staff Assistants, Clerk/Typists / Naib Qasids Support Staff Assistants, Clerk/Typists / Naib Qasids
Nomenclature OPF Grade No. of Posts Director General OPF-11 1 Director OPF- 10 Additional Director OPF-9 - Deputy Director OPF-8 Assistant Directors OPF- 7 3 Superintendent OPF- 6 Welfare Officer Office Assistant OPF- 4 6 Stenotypist Clerk/Typist OPF- 3 2 Dispatch Riders OPF- 2 Naib Qasids OPF- 1 10 Total Strength 30
Major Functions The HR Wing performs following major functions, pertaining to 571 employees of OPF Head Office, Islamabad and Regional Offices: Maintenance of personal record of OPF employee & its updation on regular basis Recruitment Promotions Postings / Transfers Retirement/ Resignation of Employees Disciplinary Cases Performance Evaluation Reports / Annual Confidential Reports Training Courses/ Workshops EOBI Pension Cases / Group Insurance Cases
Major Functions Grievances of Employees Verification of Degrees
Seniority list of Employees Working Papers for Board of Governors pertaining to employees Agreement with CBA Loans/ Advance Cases All kinds of Leaves of Employees
* Out of 34 vacant posts, 20 were re-advertised & 12** were added
Recruitment in OPF S. # Date of Advertisement Total Posts OPF Grades No. of posts Advertised Posts Filled Posts Vacant 1 68 OPF-11 2 - OPF-10 4 OPF-9 3 OPF-7 13 9 OPF-6 10 OPF-4 17 11 6 OPF-3 8 OPF-2 OPF-1 Total 34 34* * Out of 34 vacant posts, 20 were re-advertised & 12** were added 1.A 20 6 (Under process) 8 (Under process) 20*** 14 (Under process) Grand Total 40 28 *** Excluding the following re-advertised posts: 20x posts at 1-A
Recruitment in OPF 2 18.10.2015 4 OPF-11 (Contract Posts) 3 1 OPF-10 -
Date of Advertisement Total Posts OPF Grades No. of posts Advertised Posts Filled Posts Vacant 2 4 OPF-11 (Contract Posts) 3 1 OPF-10 - Total 30 OPF- 4 (Airports Contract Posts) (Re-advertised) Chief Financial Officer (Contract) 1 (Under process) 5 Principal Engineer
Recruitment in OPF 6 14.6.2016** 12** OPF-4 1 - 1 (Under process)
Date of Advertisement Total Posts OPF Grades No. of posts Advertised Posts Filled Posts Vacant 6 ** 12** OPF-4 1 - 1 (Under process) OPF-3 4 4 (Under process) OPF-2 OPF-1 5 1 (Vacant) Total 12 Total ( ) 46*** 38 8 Grand Total (1-6) 114 78 36 *** Excluding the following re-advertised posts: 1x post of CFO 1x post of Principal Engineer which was filled but fell vacant after the incumbent was discharged from service.
Promotions From July 2015 till date, three meetings of DSB for the promotion of employees of OPF Grade-9 & above and two meetings of DPC for the promotion of employees of OPF Grade-8 & below have been held. During these meetings, the following number of officers and officials have been promoted. Executive- OPF Grade 7 to = 26 Non- Executive- OPF Grade = 27 Total = 53
Trainings During the last financial year (July, 2015 to June, 2016) the number of officers and officials nominated for trainings in different institutions is as follow: Sr # Name of Institute No. of officers/officials trained Executives Non-Executives 1. Management Services Wing, Establishment Division 5 - 2. Secretariat Training Institute 7 15 3. Pakistan Manpower Institute 3 4. Silk Route, Budapest Process 2 5. Institute of Tender Management 6. International Labor organization 1 7. Finance Division Total 24 16
Grade wise Strength of OPF Employees
OPF Grade Authorized Held Vacant Vacant posts meant for Promotion Direct Recruitment BPS-22 01 - OPF- 12 02 OPF-11 06 04 (Engineering Cadre) (Finance Cadre) OPF-10 13 09 03 (01 Finance Cadre) OPF-09 28 22 (02 Admin. Cadre) (03 Admin. Cadre) OPF-08 33 05 OPF-07 74 64 10 (01 Admin. Cadre) 9 (01 Engineering Cadre) (08 Admin. Cadre) OPF-06 69 62 07 OPF-05 50 48 OPF-04 91 78 OPF-03 70 56 14 OPF-02 OPF-01 152 147 Total 639 571 68 15 53* Out of 53, recruitment against 19 is under process. Total number of Contingency staff (hired for 89 days) = 26 employees
S. No. Division/office M-I/BS-22 Executive OPF Grade 7-12 Non- Executive OPG Grade 1-6 1. Head Office 01 90 288 2. Regional Office Karachi - 13 39 3. Regional Office Lahore 11 50 4. Regional Office Peshawar 04 23 5. Regional Office Quetta 16 6. Regional Office Mirpur 03 7. Regional Office Multan 22 Total 129 441
BPS Islamabad Punjab Sindh ( R ) Sindh ( U ) KPK Balochistan AJ&K GB FATA Total BPS-21 - 1 OPF-12 2 OPF-11 3 4 OPF-10 9 OPF-9 15 22 OPF-8 8 28 OPF-7 40 5 6 64 Sub-total 72 16 14 7 130 OPF-6 37 11 62 OPF-5 30 48 OPF-4 39 13 78 OPF-3 32 56 OPF-2 50 OPF-1 74 20 147 31 240 36 23 65 441 Grand Total 35 312 52 79 27 19 12 571
Issues / Problems Problems in implementation of posting/transfer orders, i.e. Use of political pressure, litigation by CBA etc. due to which, there is disparity of Officials viz-a-viz workload. Sparability / Relieving of Officers/Officials nominated for trainings by the concerned Divisions or Regional Offices to attend the training. Delay in completion of Inquiry Reports by the concerned Authorized Officers. Delay in submission of PERs / ACRs by the concerned Officials / Reporting / Countersigning Officers due to which promotion process is delayed. Shortage of Space for the HR Wing.
Training should be made compulsory for every employee at least once in a year. Updating of OPF Employees (Service) Regulations. Employees’ performances are judged on the basis of PER or ACR only which is done only once in a calendar year. A quarterly analysis of employees’ performance should be introduced which can help in improvement of employees’ performance. The quarterly analysis can also help in starting performance appraisal model system in OPF which can help in employees’ motivation and performance.
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