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Small, Lightweight Speed and Distance Sensor

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1 Small, Lightweight Speed and Distance Sensor
for Skiers and Snowboarders ECE 480 Design Team Six Abstract: Measuring one’s performance can be difficult for skiing and snowboarding, mainly due to lack of repetitive movements, such as those found in other activities like running and cycling. To overcome this challenge, Design Team Six proposes a lightweight speed and distance sensor based on the integration of a Global Positioning System (GPS) and an Inertial Navigation System (INS) through Kalman filtering. Technical Approach A Global Positioning System (GPS) integrated with an Inertial Navigation System (INS) through a Kalman filter Problem: Create an affordable lightweight speed and distance sensor for skiing Pic of user interface Measure speed, distance, top speed, and record data for future review A Kalman filter is an advanced integration technique used to dynamically correct error in a noisy system Objective: Intended to track speed, distance, and top speed Operable by any individual Easy to use, no training required This solution provides unmatched accuracy compared to the competition Pic ofmenu Assumptions: Sensor is securely mounted to snowboard or ski Testing: Blah blah blah Design Requirements: A few of the major design requirements include: Useable in winter apparel Operate in subzero temperatures Safety Accurately record speed and distance Lightweight – Less than two pounds Cost less than $500 Battery Life greater than 2 hours Component Price Microprocessor $8.00 GPS Receiver $50.00 Accelerometers $45.00 Gyroscopes $30.00 Flash Memory $2.00 LCD $15.00 Battery and Charger $28.00 Enclosure $7.00 Miscellaneous $25.00 Total* $210.00 Final Results: GPS solution Accurate speed, distance, and peak speed recorded in per minute intervals Extensive user interface and PC functionality Hardware and software calibration present for INS Unpredicted complexity of filter combined with short development time prevented fielding of INS and the filter Pic of google maps Dr. Balasumbramaniam Facilitator Michael Bekkala Michael Blair Matthew Guibord Abhinav Parvataneni Michael Carpenter Manager Lab Coordinator Presentation Prep Webmaster Documentation Prep *Prototype cost

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