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Manifest Destiny and a Growing Nation:

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Presentation on theme: "Manifest Destiny and a Growing Nation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manifest Destiny and a Growing Nation:
Louisiana Purchase

2 The United States in the beginning

3 Why is the Mississippi River important?
The United States wanted the port city of ___________, which is near the mouth of the Mississippi river. ________ used this river to get their crops to market. Since there was a war going on, we worried that _______ would close the city of New Orleans. New Orleans Farmers France

4 The Offer The United States offered to buy New Orleans.
France’s leader, _________, offered to sell the entire area called _________ instead. Napoleon Louisiana

5 Problems double unconstitutional
The new territory would _______ the size of the United States at a bargain price of just 2 to 3 cents per acre. Because of his political beliefs, Jefferson worried that the purchase would be ________________. Still, he believed that it was better to modify his views of the Constitution than to lose such a fantastic land deal. double unconstitutional

6 Solution In late ______, the Senate voted to approve the Louisiana Purchase. _______ cheered the news for “securing the free navigation of the Mississippi.” 1803 Farmers

7 The United States in 1803 Color the Louisiana Purchase on your map

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