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World History - Ackerman

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1 World History - Ackerman
The Enlightenment World History - Ackerman

2 The Enlightenment… What does “enlightenment” mean??
To “give understanding”, or “be free of ignorance” Where did the Enlightenment happen?? All over Western Europe When did the Enlightenment take place?? Mid-1600’s to the beginning of the 1800’s Why did the Enlightenment happen?? People were tired of “traditional ways” of life and desperately wanted something new

3 Europe in the Enlightenment

4 The Enlightenment… How did the Enlightenment start??
England’s Glorious Revolution: 1688 Overthrow the king Declaration of Independence: 1776 Independence from England American Revolution: 1776 – 1781 A colony defeats a major European power United States Bill of Rights: 1791 Freedoms for every citizen French Revolution: 1789

5 What were some of the major ideas of the Enlightenment??
Human nature good vs. evil Styles of Government Absolutism “Enlightened monarchy” Democracy Citizenship Personal rights (liberty, property, speech, religion) Social contract (government and people have to work together) Gender rights

6 The Enlightenment… Who was involved?? Thomas Hobbes John Locke
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Voltaire Baron de Montesquieu Mary Wollstonecraft

7 The Enlightenment… What happened as a result of the Enlightenment?
Many governments became more democratic People gained more rights Women gained “suffrage” – the right to vote Slavery was decreased or even stopped Freedom of speech, press, and religion became more common

8 To review…Hobbes Views on Government:
English Civil War convinced him that man was naturally wicked and selfish People should give up their rights to a central ruler in exchange for law and order Social Contract – people create government in exchange for safety Government should have the “awesome power of a leviathan (ancient sea monster) Best Form of Government: Absolute Monarchy

9 To review…Voltaire Views on Government:
Distrusted the Church (deceitful), the nobility (corrupt), and the peasants (ignorant and superstitious) Disliked blacks and Jews Distrusted democracy, because it would be empowering the common people, whom he saw as little more than idiots Believed in the absolute freedom of thought and expression…to be able to say or write down one’s beliefs without fear of persecution Believed in an individual’s right to choose their own religion…or none at all Best Form of Government: Enlightened Monarchy

10 To review…Montesquieu
Views on Government: Believed that the downfall of government was the result of the loss of political liberties Separation of Powers – power should be divided between a ruler, a law-making body of people, and the courts Checks and Balances – each “branch” of government would share power and prevent one person from abusing their authority Best Form of Government: Representative Democracy

11 To review…John Locke Views on Government:
Thought that man was naturally reasonable, and that he could be responsible for governing himself Believed that all people are born free and equal with Natural Rights Life, liberty, and property Purpose of government is to protect these rights…if it does not, the people have the right to overthrow it. Best Form of Government: Democracy

12 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Views on Government People are basically good, but become corrupted by society State of Nature – mankind used to live in a primitive, free, and equal society…however at some point a few strong individuals forced others to follow their rules Believed that the ideal government was one that was freely formed by the people…they agree to give up some of their freedom in favor of the common good Rousseau’s Social Contract: agreement among free individuals to create a society and government Believed in total equality  no more titles or class distinctions Best Form of Government: Direct Democracy

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