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The Age of Exploration 1400s – 1600s

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1 The Age of Exploration 1400s – 1600s
Chapter 13

2 Essential Questions What were the three main motives for exploration?
Which explorers and countries were most noteworthy during this time? What resulted from the voyages?

3 EQ: Why was Europe interested in the Asia
EQ: Why was Europe interested in the Asia? What was the major dilemma in getting what they wanted? Europe wanted to trade in Asia, but hated and was afraid of Muslims in between them. No land or routes to trade around them yet and the Muslims would only trade Asian goods with Italy.

4 What made exploration possible?
Technology: Smaller, sturdy ships called caravels with a smaller crew. More accurate maps Mariner’s compass Weapons: Cannons and guns.

5 What were the three motives for exploration?
God: Wanting to Christianize heathens (especially Muslims), cultural superiority, “white man’s burden.” *Like U.S. Imperialism 2. Glory: Spirit of adventure and curiosity during renaissance, fame, nationalism. *Manifest Destiny, Turner thesis Gold: Rulers who trade with Asia get rich and powerful. Merchants who sell Asian goods in Europe make a lot of money. *Trade today Previously unknown Asian goods in high demand since Crusades.

6 Portuguese Exploration Leads the Way: Henry the Navigator
Prince Henry the Navigator spends his own money on a school of navigation, to create better maps, navigation tools and ships. Set up trade and colonies on east coast of Africa. Used cannons to negotiate trade rights with locals.

7 Explain what Magellan did in 1519
First to circumnavigate the world Sailed west from Spain, cut through S. America at the Straight of Magellan to Pacific, sailed and starved for one month to Asia. Magellan dies in Philippians. Crew finishes without him.

8 Portugal and Spain will begin the Slave Trade More this later
How did the Pope keep Spain and Portugal from fighting over newly discovered lands? Line of Demarcation (1493: Spain tells Pope about discovery New World. Pope divides non-Christian world between Portugal and Spain so they don’t fight Line give Portugal Brazil and everything east Spain becomes the big winner getting the New World Sugar Becomes the Cash Crop With out sugar their would be no slavery.Without Slavery there would be no Sugar.

9 What did Columbus Discover???
Discovered America??? Well not our America

10 Columbus and the Real Meaning of 1492
The Moors entered Spain and controlled much of Spain beginning with Umayyad Empire in 711AD By 1492 Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand kicked the Moors out of Spain. In the same year, Spanish kicked out the Jewish population (this was know as the Diaspora (disperse) Columbus offered a new way to the East by avoiding the Middle East thus avoiding Muslim and Jews. Shortly after this the pope granted Spain permission to weed out Heresy among its people. this would be know as the Spanish Inquisition. This Inquisition would last hundreds of years and torture and kill millions of people


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