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Double Jeopardy Test Category 1 Category 2

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Presentation on theme: "Double Jeopardy Test Category 1 Category 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Jeopardy Test 1 20 40 60 80 100 Category 1 Category 2
Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

2 Which branch of government plays The largest role in the amendment
Process? Category

3 The AOC only had a ___________ Or one housed legislature.

4 In a democracy, majority rule must
Be accompanied by ____________

5 Many consider the US a republic.
Define republic.

6 Describe the New Jersey Plan.

7 To which branch of government
Fell the task of “adding flesh to The bones” of the Constitution?

8 Who was favored by the Virginia

9 Define public policy.

10 Why is compromise necessary in a
Democratic society?

11 What gives me the right to burn the
US flag?

12 Once an amendment is ratified, it
Can only be changed by ________

13 The only amendment to be ratified
By state conventions was ________

14 Where can you find direct democracy
Today? Why is that so?

15 Where can I find political parties
In the Constitution?

16 The President’s cabinet is an
Example of ___________

17 “The Supreme law of the land” is

18 What is judicial review?

19 In a ____________ government
Voters elect the legislature and the Chief executive is drawn from the legislature

20 The 18th amendment which was
Repealed with the 21st amendment Dealt with what?

21 What are the advantages of
a dictatorship?

22 A system of government where
A central government shares power With a local government is _______

23 Define sovereignty.

24 Insert Text for Question
Category 5 – 60 points

25 Why has the Constitution been able
To survive for so long?

26 Give an example of the divison of
Powers provided by federalism In the United States.

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