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Black History Spotlight

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1 Black History Spotlight
***Add*** underlined names and terms to your glossary with brief description. Sally Hemings Slave at Monticello; Lived in Paris with Thomas Jefferson and two of his daughters “Sally was very handsome, long straight hair down her back.” Isaac Jefferson (former Monticello slave) “…is quite a child…appears good natured.” Abigail Adams Was she the mother of six of Jefferson’s children? Election of 1800 attacks by John Adams & Federalists rumored Jefferson had relationship with an enslaved woman genetic tests of ancestors couldn’t refute or substantiate claim. Definitely link between Hemings and Jeffersons but which one? Go to for more information

2 Black History Spotlight Add underlined terms to glossary with short description
York Life-long slave companion of William Clark; went west with Lewis & Clark 1st black man to cross the continent north of Mexico Helped break barriers with Indian tribes as Corps of Discovery traveled west Hunted, served as medic, equal part of team Asked for freedom upon return but was denied … another 10 years Went into freighting business as free man

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Nat Turner Led “Southampton Rebellion” in 1831 which resulted in 60 white deaths and 100 black deaths. Grandmother was Coromantee from Ghana, captured at 13 Deeply religious, able to read and write, naturally intelligent, and quick Caught, tried, hung, beheaded, and quartered Beginning of severe restrictions for freed and enslaved blacks in Virginia Beginning of cotton boom

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Charles Ball Maryland slave sold “south” who escaped and declared himself free Wrote “The Life & Adventures of Charles Ball” In 1st group of African Americans in the U.S. Navy during War of 1812 Tried to get those escaping and fighting with British to return to help U.S. British emancipated over 4,000 slaves during War of 1812

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