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4.1 Data transmission format

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1 4.1 Data transmission format
AEI Working Group meeting on pesticide statistics 26 and 27 September 2013 4.1 Data transmission format

2 Introduction Two sets of pesticide data to be transmitted
As the sales data are expected annually from end of 2012 and the use data only from end of 2015, it was considered not necessary to fix the transmission formats for both sets already in 2010 It is now appropriate to start the legal process on also the second set of data to ensure enough time for Member States to adapt their systems

3 Data Pesticide sales Annual transmission Kg of active substance
Confidentiality flag Agricultural use Transmission every 5 years Ha of crops treated with pesticides Kg of active substances these crops were treated with

4 Tools Webforms for sales statistics
Easy to copy/paste from any application Simple interface Can create problems as many cells can be empty, but must still be included SDMX for use statistics > 500 active substances ≈ 200 possible crops => too complex for webforms Tools made available by Eurostat for conversion from other sources

5 Legislation Two articles only: simple legislation
Implementing regulation: vote in the ESSC Discussion also in the CPSA, to allow agricultural statistics experts input A new Article 1: SDMX standard to be used Two annexes on data structure (one for sales, and another one for use

6 Annex 1 (sales) 1 2-alpha code (e.g. FR) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Field Remarks
Country 2-alpha code (e.g. FR) 2 Year Reference year for the data (e.g. 2010) 3 Major group Codes listed in Annex III of 1185/2009 4 Categories of products 5 Chemical class 6 Substance 7 Observation value (the quantity sold) To be expressed in kilograms of substances. 8 For fields number 3, 4, 5 and 6, the confidentiality flag Yes/no

7 Annex 2 (uses) 1 2-alpha code (e.g. FR) 2 3 4 5 6 7 Field Remarks
Country 2-alpha code (e.g. FR) 2 Year Reference year for the data (e.g. 2010) 3 Crop Standard code list to be provided by the Commission (Eurostat) 4 Substance Codes listed in Annex III of 1185/2009  5 Observation value: quantity of substance used on the crop To be expressed in kilograms of substances 6 Observation value: area of the crop treated with this substance To be expressed in hectares 7 Confidentiality flag Yes/no

8 Next steps Discussion and approval in the WG meeting
Internal discussions and legal procedures in the Commission Report to November CPSA Vote in the ESSC in February or May 8

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