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NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 1 TEA/TUG Presentation Route 7 over I-87 (Exit 6) Bridge Replacement Town of Colonie Albany County NYSDOT.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 1 TEA/TUG Presentation Route 7 over I-87 (Exit 6) Bridge Replacement Town of Colonie Albany County NYSDOT."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 1 TEA/TUG Presentation Route 7 over I-87 (Exit 6) Bridge Replacement Town of Colonie Albany County NYSDOT D260830 - P.I.N. 1306.50 October 4, 2008 Presented By:

2 Existing Conditions & Needs Project Location

3 Existing Conditions & Needs Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations

4 Bridge Condition Deterioration Due to Age Bridge Condition Deterioration Due to Age Existing Conditions & Needs Surface Deterioration on Beams Deteriorated bearings Planking under bridge to prevent damage to vehicles

5 Existing Conditions & Needs Existing Vertical Clearance is 14-2 (1-10 below the standard) Existing Vertical Clearance is 14-2 (1-10 below the standard) Several impacts have damaged beams Bridge Condition Deterioration Due to Age Damage Due to Impacts Bridge Condition Deterioration Due to Age Damage Due to Impacts

6 Existing Conditions & Needs Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations

7 Adjacent Areas at Exit 6 and Along Route 7 / Route 2 LEGENDHousesandApartmentsBusinesses Federal Wetlands State & Federal WetlandsPossibleHistoricSitesStreams

8 Existing Conditions & Needs Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations

9 Traffic and Safety Considerations at Exit 6 and Along Route 7 / Route 2 Traffic and Safety Considerations at Exit 6 and Along Route 7 / Route 2 Rte 7 and Wade Road Intersection Rte 7 and I-87 SB Intersection Rte 7 and I-87 SB Intersection Rte 7 and I-87 NB Intersection Rte 7 and I-87 NB Intersection Rte 7 and Erin St. (Latham Farms) Traffic Capacity and Delay Issues at all Signalized Intersections along Rte. 7 and Rte. 2 Accident rates higher than roadway averagesAccident rates higher than roadway averages Predominantly rear end and turning accidents at the signalized intersectionsPredominantly rear end and turning accidents at the signalized intersections Accident rates higher than roadway averagesAccident rates higher than roadway averages Predominantly rear end and turning accidents at the signalized intersectionsPredominantly rear end and turning accidents at the signalized intersections High traffic volumes affect the ability of the existing flush median to provide safe and effective access

10 Existing Conditions & Needs Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations Bridge Condition Adjacent Areas Traffic and Safety Conditions Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations

11 Existing Conditions & Needs Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations No dedicated pedestrian accommodations Existing bus stops with no linking sidewalks Bicyclists accommodated within travel lanes

12 Project Objectives PRIMARY OBJECTIVES Provide bridge with 75-year unposted service life Provide bridge with 75-year unposted service life Provide standard vertical clearance Provide standard vertical clearance Provide pavement with 20-year service life Provide pavement with 20-year service life Provide pedestrian accommodations Provide pedestrian accommodations PRIMARY OBJECTIVES Provide bridge with 75-year unposted service life Provide bridge with 75-year unposted service life Provide standard vertical clearance Provide standard vertical clearance Provide pavement with 20-year service life Provide pavement with 20-year service life Provide pedestrian accommodations Provide pedestrian accommodations

13 Project Objectives SECONDARY OBJECTIVES Provide incremental traffic and safety improvements Provide incremental traffic and safety improvements Allow future improvements on I-87 Allow future improvements on I-87 Minimize effects to Businesses, Residents, and the Environment Minimize effects to Businesses, Residents, and the Environment Provide consistency with: Provide consistency with: Town of Colonies Comprehensive Plan Town of Colonies Comprehensive Plan NY 7 / NY 2 Corridor Transportation and Land Use Study NY 7 / NY 2 Corridor Transportation and Land Use Study SECONDARY OBJECTIVES Provide incremental traffic and safety improvements Provide incremental traffic and safety improvements Allow future improvements on I-87 Allow future improvements on I-87 Minimize effects to Businesses, Residents, and the Environment Minimize effects to Businesses, Residents, and the Environment Provide consistency with: Provide consistency with: Town of Colonies Comprehensive Plan Town of Colonies Comprehensive Plan NY 7 / NY 2 Corridor Transportation and Land Use Study NY 7 / NY 2 Corridor Transportation and Land Use Study

14 14 Alternatives Considered 6 different interchange designs for Exit 6 Cloverleaf Partial Cloverleaf Flyovers Expanded Diamond Dual Left Turn Diamond Triple Left Turn Diamond Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) 6 different interchange designs for Exit 6 Cloverleaf Partial Cloverleaf Flyovers Expanded Diamond Dual Left Turn Diamond Triple Left Turn Diamond Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI)

15 Alternatives Considered Rankings of Ability to Increase Traffic Carrying Capacity Rankings when R.O.W. availability is limited 2. SPUI 3. Cloverleaf 1. Flyover 4. Partial Cloverleaf 5. Diamond 1. SPUI 4. Cloverleaf 5. Flyover 3. Partial Cloverleaf 2. Diamond Nationwide survey of state engineers Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC), Technical Report 99-R15 N/A

16 LEGENDHousesandApartmentsBusinessesWetlandsPossibleHistoricSites Cloverleaf Alternative POTENTIAL IMPACTS Displacement of approximately 20 homes Displacement of over 10 businesses Significant environmental impacts Extensive land purchases Cloverleaf Alternative is not feasible because of its potential impacts Alternative Discarded

17 LEGENDHousesandApartmentsBusinessesWetlandsPossibleHistoricSites Expanded Diamond Alternative POTENTIAL IMPACTS No displacements of Homes Temporary effects to businesses Minimal environmental impacts Minimal potential land purchases Expanded Diamond Alternative is feasible because of its minimal effects on adjacent resources and its potential to increase capacity at the interchange Alternative Retained

18 Major points of conflict occur at one location Through movements pass through one intersection One signal system controls the ramp and through movements Major points of conflict occur at one location Through movements pass through one intersection One signal system controls the ramp and through movements Single Point Urban Interchange Conventional Diamond Interchange Major points of conflict occur at two locations Through movements must pass through both intersections Two signal systems control interchange movements Major points of conflict occur at two locations Through movements must pass through both intersections Two signal systems control interchange movements What is a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI)?

19 LEGENDHousesandApartmentsBusinessesWetlandsPossibleHistoricSites SPUI Alternative POTENTIAL IMPACTS No displacements of Homes Temporary effects to businesses Minimal environmental Impacts Minimal potential land purchases SPUI Alternative is feasible because of its minimal effects on adjacent resources and its potential to increase capacity at the interchange Alternative Retained

20 Preferred Alternative The Expanded Diamond and the SPUI have essentially the same engineering and environmental considerations and right-of-way needs except for: The Expanded Diamond and the SPUI have essentially the same engineering and environmental considerations and right-of-way needs except for: Traffic Operations (Level of Service) Traffic Operations (Level of Service) Cost Cost Preferred Alternative decision based on a comparison of these two considerations Preferred Alternative decision based on a comparison of these two considerations The Expanded Diamond and the SPUI have essentially the same engineering and environmental considerations and right-of-way needs except for: The Expanded Diamond and the SPUI have essentially the same engineering and environmental considerations and right-of-way needs except for: Traffic Operations (Level of Service) Traffic Operations (Level of Service) Cost Cost Preferred Alternative decision based on a comparison of these two considerations Preferred Alternative decision based on a comparison of these two considerations

21 Preferred Alternative Single Point Urban Interchange Provides for more efficient Traffic Operations on Route 7 / Route 2 Provides for more efficient Traffic Operations on Route 7 / Route 2 Provides reserve capacity for anticipated future traffic growth Provides reserve capacity for anticipated future traffic growth Provides higher benefit / cost ratio (reduced user costs) Provides higher benefit / cost ratio (reduced user costs) Dual Left Turn Diamond - $ 27 M Dual Left Turn Diamond - $ 27 M SPUI - $ 32 M SPUI - $ 32 M Single Point Urban Interchange Provides for more efficient Traffic Operations on Route 7 / Route 2 Provides for more efficient Traffic Operations on Route 7 / Route 2 Provides reserve capacity for anticipated future traffic growth Provides reserve capacity for anticipated future traffic growth Provides higher benefit / cost ratio (reduced user costs) Provides higher benefit / cost ratio (reduced user costs) Dual Left Turn Diamond - $ 27 M Dual Left Turn Diamond - $ 27 M SPUI - $ 32 M SPUI - $ 32 M


23 Maintenance & Protection of Traffic

24 Project Schedule & Traffic Impacts Minor Route 7/2 work I-87 auxiliary lanes Wetland constructionLOW MEDIUM Route 7/2 Bridge foundations and walls construction Route 7 construction west of interchange Sparrowbush Road improvements Bridge superstructureHIGH I-87Ramps LOW Route 7/2 construction at interchange Ramp construction HIGH LOW MEDIUM LOW Miscellaneous PavingLOW Landscaping Cleanup LOW 20082008 20102010 20112011 20092009 MEDIUM PLANNED CONSTRUCTION WORK ANTICIPATED TRAFFIC IMPACT LEVEL MEDIUM LOW MEDIUM YEAR

25 Preferred Alternative 2-Stage Bridge Construction Maintains all existing movements Maintains all existing movements Exit 6 remains open Exit 6 remains open Reduces vehicle diversions Reduces vehicle diversions Minimizes affects to adjacent businesses Minimizes affects to adjacent businesses Minimizes construction duration Minimizes construction duration MINIMIZES COST MINIMIZES COST 2-Stage Bridge Construction Maintains all existing movements Maintains all existing movements Exit 6 remains open Exit 6 remains open Reduces vehicle diversions Reduces vehicle diversions Minimizes affects to adjacent businesses Minimizes affects to adjacent businesses Minimizes construction duration Minimizes construction duration MINIMIZES COST MINIMIZES COST Maintenance & Protection of Traffic

26 Preferred Alternative Travel Demand Management (TDM) Plan Primarily commercial Business Primarily Retail Business General PM major traffic patterns Greatest diversion of traffic will be realized by Targeting Commuters to this Area Project needs to minimize diversions from this area General AM major traffic patterns

27 Preferred Alternative TDM Plan Key elements Public outreach through multiple media formats Public outreach through multiple media formats Prior comprehensive outreach to businesses Prior comprehensive outreach to businesses Real Time traffic monitoring and information via the web and other technologies Real Time traffic monitoring and information via the web and other technologies Traffic diversions via alternate routes targeting commuters Traffic diversions via alternate routes targeting commuters TDM Plan Key elements Public outreach through multiple media formats Public outreach through multiple media formats Prior comprehensive outreach to businesses Prior comprehensive outreach to businesses Real Time traffic monitoring and information via the web and other technologies Real Time traffic monitoring and information via the web and other technologies Traffic diversions via alternate routes targeting commuters Traffic diversions via alternate routes targeting commuters Travel Demand Management (TDM) Plan

28 Estimate and Bid Prices Engineers Estimate and Letting Timeline Engineers Estimate prepared between January and early March 2008 Engineers Estimate prepared between January and early March 2008 Letting June 10, 2008 Letting June 10, 2008 Approximately 3 months between preparation of Estimate and Letting Approximately 3 months between preparation of Estimate and Letting Engineers Estimate and Letting Timeline Engineers Estimate prepared between January and early March 2008 Engineers Estimate prepared between January and early March 2008 Letting June 10, 2008 Letting June 10, 2008 Approximately 3 months between preparation of Estimate and Letting Approximately 3 months between preparation of Estimate and Letting

29 Estimate and Bid Prices Engineers Estimate and Bid Engineers Estimate: Engineers Estimate:$32,238,551.07 2 bidders 2 bidders $39,777,861.39 – Lancaster Development $40,442,070.79 – Kubricky Bid Separation – 1.7% of overall bid Low Bid – 21.9 % higher than engineers estimate Engineers Estimate and Bid Engineers Estimate: Engineers Estimate:$32,238,551.07 2 bidders 2 bidders $39,777,861.39 – Lancaster Development $40,442,070.79 – Kubricky Bid Separation – 1.7% of overall bid Low Bid – 21.9 % higher than engineers estimate

30 Estimate and Bid Prices WHY?WHY?

31 Preferred Alternative Key indexes Engineers Estimate and Letting Engineers Estimate Letting 25% +/- Increase

32 Preferred Alternative Key indexes Engineers Estimate and Letting Engineers Estimate Letting 32% +/- Increase

33 Preferred Alternative Key indexes Engineers Estimate and Letting Engineers Estimate Letting 32% +/- Increase

34 Estimate and Bid Prices Analysis: Of the 497 contract items, 25 accounted for 95.7% of the cost overrun. Of the 497 contract items, 25 accounted for 95.7% of the cost overrun. All of the 25 items were contingent on material, manufacturing, transportation, and installation costs that can be directly linked to oil prices. All of the 25 items were contingent on material, manufacturing, transportation, and installation costs that can be directly linked to oil prices. Steel, Asphalt, earthwork, concrete, etc. Analysis: Of the 497 contract items, 25 accounted for 95.7% of the cost overrun. Of the 497 contract items, 25 accounted for 95.7% of the cost overrun. All of the 25 items were contingent on material, manufacturing, transportation, and installation costs that can be directly linked to oil prices. All of the 25 items were contingent on material, manufacturing, transportation, and installation costs that can be directly linked to oil prices. Steel, Asphalt, earthwork, concrete, etc.

35 Estimate and Bid Prices Conclusion: Unforeseen cost increases in key items between the dates the Engineers Estimate was prepared and the Letting date contributed to the increase in project cost. Unforeseen cost increases in key items between the dates the Engineers Estimate was prepared and the Letting date contributed to the increase in project cost. Contract was Awarded and in currently under construction. Contract was Awarded and in currently under construction.Conclusion: Unforeseen cost increases in key items between the dates the Engineers Estimate was prepared and the Letting date contributed to the increase in project cost. Unforeseen cost increases in key items between the dates the Engineers Estimate was prepared and the Letting date contributed to the increase in project cost. Contract was Awarded and in currently under construction. Contract was Awarded and in currently under construction.

36 Construction Recordkeeping Exit 6 is a SiteManager pilot project for NYSDOT Region 1

37 Preferred Alternative Projects Project Information Office 4 Avis Drive, Suite 110, Latham, NY 12110 4 Avis Drive, Suite 110, Latham, NY 12110 Entrance is at the rear of the building Phone: (518) 220-9519 Email:exit6@dot.state.ny.usWeb: Projects Project Information Office 4 Avis Drive, Suite 110, Latham, NY 12110 4 Avis Drive, Suite 110, Latham, NY 12110 Entrance is at the rear of the building Phone: (518) 220-9519 Email:exit6@dot.state.ny.usWeb: Where to get more information

38 Preferred Alternative Questions?Questions? Questions & Comments

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