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Long Essay Question 2018 APUSH.

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1 Long Essay Question 2018 APUSH

2 Section II: Part B Long Essay—1 Question | 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score Explain and analyze significant issues in U.S. history. Develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence. Updates for : Five minutes have been added to the time allotted for the long essay. The question choices will continue to focus on the same theme and skill but will now allow students to select among three options, each focusing on a different range of time periods: Option 1: periods 1-3 Option 2: periods 4-6 Option 3: periods 7-9

3 Accountability Teamwork
Step 1: Individually read and reflect with the LEQ rubric on your Period 3 Exam LEQ and how it was scored. Use the post it notes provided to write down anything about the rubric and your score that you don’t understand. Post these on top of my desk in the back of the room.

4 Accountability Teamwork
Step 2: New (cleaner) Rubric Review the newer version of the rubric as a group. Whole class reflection

5 Accountability Teamwork
Step 3: Group LEQ plan and response Review the prompt Plan deductively Whole group writes thesis Answer the question, take a position, develop categories of analysis Whole group contextualizes the argument Whole group writes the first paragraph of the essay response

6 Accountability Teamwork
Step 4: Divide the group into your categories Each of the categorical groups plans and writes a paragraph using the core structure for that one paragraph.

7 Accountability Teamwork
Step 5 Whole group comes together and shares their bodied paragraph Checklist Is the group using the core structure? Is the group defending a thesis/topic sentence? Is the group going to be awarded at least one point for the evidence and one point for the analysis? Is the group going to potentially receive one additional point for evidence and one additional point for analysis?

8 Accountability Teamwork
Step 6 Combine the bodied paragraphs with the thesis. Whole group writes a conclusion. Does the group still need the second REASONING point? If so, use the conclusion to display the complex understanding that you need for the point. Synthesis Both parts of the reasoning skill Alternative points of view

9 Homework Be prepared to discuss Civics work on the Executive Branch on Friday. Be prepared for a DBQ exercise. Read about the Industrial Revolution in Brinkley

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