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GAMMA: An Efficient Distributed Shared Memory Toolbox for MATLAB

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1 GAMMA: An Efficient Distributed Shared Memory Toolbox for MATLAB
Rajkiran Panuganti1, Muthu Baskaran1, Jarek Nieplocha2, Ashok Krishnamurthy3, Atanas Rountev1, P. Sadayappan1 1 The Ohio State University 2 PNNL 3 Ohio Supercomputer Center

2 Overview Motivation GAMMA Programming Model Implementation Overview
Experimental Evaluation Conclusions 12/2/2018

3 High Productivity Computing
Programmers’ productivity is extremely important C/Fortran – Good performance but poor productivity Parallel Programming in C/Fortran even harder MATLAB, Python etc. – Good programmer productivity Poor performance and inability to run large scale problems (memory limitations) 12/2/2018

4 MATLAB and High Productivity
Numerous features resulting in High Programmer Productivity: Array Based Semantics Copy/Value based semantics Debugging and Profiling Support Integrated Development Environment Numerous Domain Specific libraries (Toolboxes) Visualization And a lot more...... Need to retain above features while addressing performance Issues 12/2/2018

5 Problem Out-Of-Memory! Out-Of-Memory! Performance! 199 sec 10.19 s

6 ParaM :- ‘Parallel MATLAB’
USER user DParaM GAMMA Specialized Libraries user mexMPI Library Writers Compiler MATLAB GA + MVAPICH GA + MVAPICH 12/2/2018

7 Overview Motivation GAMMA Programming Model Implementation Overview
Experimental Evaluation Conclusions 12/2/2018

8 Programming Model Global Shared View of the distributed Array
Physical View Logical View (1,1) P0 P1 (250,75) P2 (700,610) P3 (1024,1024) A = GA([1024, 1024],distr); Block = A(250:700,75:610); 12/2/2018

9 Programming Model (Contd..)
Get-Compute-Put Computation Model Get() Put() Put() Process 0 Get() Compute Process 1 Compute 12/2/2018

10 Other features in the Programming Model enabling Efficiency
Pass-by-reference semantics for distributed arrays Intended for Library writers Management of Data Locality (NUMA) Distribution information can be retrieved by the programmer Reference based access to the local data Data replication Support for replicating near-neighbor data 12/2/2018

11 Other features in the Programming Model enabling Efficiency Contd..
Asynchronous operations Support for Library Writers Interoperable with ‘Message Passing’ Message Passing support using ‘mexMPI’ Interoperable with some other ‘Parallel MATLAB’ projects Interoperable with pMATLAB, Mathworks DCT 12/2/2018

12 Illustration by Example (FFT2) – 2D FFT
[rank, nprocs] = Begin(); dims = [N N]; distr = [N N/nproc]; A = GA(dims, distr); tmp=local(A); % GET() tmp = fft(tmp); % Compute() Put(A,tmp); % PUT() Sync(); ATmp = GA(A); Transpose(A,ATmp); % Collective Ops Tmp = local(ATmp); Put(ATmp,fft(Tmp)); Transpose(ATmp,A); GA_End(); Transpose 12/2/2018

13 Implementation Overview
User MATLAB Front-End GAMMA mexMPI MATLAB Computation Engine GA MPI SCALAPACK 12/2/2018

14 Overview Motivation GAMMA Programming Model Implementation Overview
Experimental Evaluation Conclusions 12/2/2018

15 Evaluation OSC Pentium 4 Cluster
Two 2.4 GHz Intel P4 processors per node, Linux kernel , 4GB RAM, MVAPICH 0.9.4 Infiniband MATLAB Version 7.01 Fully distributed environment Evaluation using NAS Benchmarks 12/2/2018

16 Programmability Slight Increase in SLOC Moderate Increase in SLOC

17 Performance Analysis 12/2/2018

18 Performance Analysis 12/2/2018

19 Speedup on Large Problem Sizes

20 Related Work Early 90’s – MPI & Cluster Programming
1995 – ‘Why there isn’t a Parallel MATLAB?’ – Cleve Moler Embarrassingly Parallel Paralize(’98); Multi(’00); PLab(‘00); Parmatlab(‘01); Message Passing MultiMatlab(’96); PT(’96); DPToolbox(‘99); MATmarks(‘99); PMI(’99); MPITB/PVMTB(‘00); CMTM(‘01); Compilation Based Conlab(‘93); Falcon(’95); ParAL(‘95); Otter(‘98); Menhir(’98); MaJIC(’98); MATCH(‘00); RTExpress(’00); Backend Support Matpar(‘98); DLab(‘99); Netsolve(‘01); Paramat(‘01); 12/2/2018

21 Related Work (Currently Active)
Star-P (’97) – MIT MatlabMPI(’98); pMATLAB(’02) – MIT-LL; File-based Message Passing Communication MATLAB_D (’00) – Rice Telescoping Compilation + HPF + JIT Compilation ParaM (’04) – OSU & OSC Mathworks(’04) – MDCE/MDCT 12/2/2018

22 Conclusions Discussed an efficient Distributed Shared Memory Toolbox for MATLAB Programming Model and Efficiency features of the toolbox Demonstrated efficiency using NAS Benchmarks Download available upon request 12/2/2018

23 Questions ? Contact: 12/2/2018

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