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Second Semester Final Review.

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1 Second Semester Final Review

2 What result do most mutations have on the individual organism?

3 Describe coevolution.

4 Identify the four parts of mitosis in order from beginning to end.
Illustrate what happens in each step along the way (briefly).

5 How did Rosalind Franklin contribute to the understanding of DNA as the genetic material of the cell?

6 What molecules are necessary for the process of translation?

7 What are the four types of macromolecules?

8 Contrast the three types of active transport.

9 Contrast how matter and energy move through an ecosystem.

10 Contrast the three ways evolution can act on polygenic traits.
Illustrate each with a dashed line for a normal distribution, and solid line for the selection.

11 How did Oswald Avery contribute to the understanding of DNA as the genetic material of the cell?

12 What are the necessary steps of the scientific method?

13 What three things must be present for natural selection to occur?

14 Contrast homologous & analogous structures.

15 Briefly identify the mechanisms used to maintain normal human body temperature.

16 Provide the complete, balanced equation for the process.
Photosynthesis Who? Where? When? Why? Provide the complete, balanced equation for the process.

17 What are isotopes?

18 Contrast autosomal & sex chromosomes.

19 Describe how Malthus’ insights on human populations where useful to Darwin.

20 Identify at least three ways cancer may be treated.

21 Define homeostasis. Why is it essential?

22 Contrast genotype & phenotype.

23 How is ATP able to store energy? How does ATP release energy?

24 Contrast sperm & egg formation in terms of the number of gametes produced from a single full cell cycle.

25 Identify the body system responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells.

26 Contrast the types of symbiosis.

27 Contrast asexual and sexual reproduction.

28 What is cancer?

29 Natural selection acts directly on what?

30 Identify the directional movement of xylem and phloem in plants.

31 Identify the body system responsible for recognizing and coordinating the body’s response to changes in its environment.

32 Identify what changes in a population as a results of different phenotypic fitness.

33 Why is the cell membrane considered selectively permeable?

34 How did Frederick Griffith contribute to the understanding of DNA as the genetic material of the cell?

35 Why is cell division necessary?

36 Identify the two types of producers.
Identify the six types of consumers.

37 Contrast adult stem cells from embryonic stem cells in terms of our current understanding for how they may be used.

38 Provide the complete, balanced equation for the process.
Cellular Respiration Who? Where? When? Why? Provide the complete, balanced equation for the process.

39 Why does competition occur?

40 How does DNA replication differ in prokaryotes & eukaryotes?

41 Describe what happens during the process of transcription.

42 What is the ultimate source of all variation within a population?

43 Identify the only six elements present in the macromolecules.

44 Contrast somatic cells & gametes.

45 Contrast haploid & diploid cells.

46 Describe convergent evolution.

47 What is the root cause of all variation?

48 Identify the body system responsible for controlling growth, development, and metabolism.

49 How do the number of phenotypes differ between single gene and polygenic traits?

50 Identify the subunit of each macromolecule.

51 Identify two functions of stomata in plants (relating to photosynthesis).

52 Differentiate between atoms, elements, and compounds

53 Identify three forms of reproductive isolation.

54 Place the six ecological levels of organization in order from most specific to most inclusive.

55 In evolutionary terms, what do more similarities in scientific classification indicate about the relationship between two individuals?

56 Identify the enzyme required for transcription.

57 How did the ideas of Hutton & Lyell influence Darwin’s thoughts?

58 How does genetic diversity increase from the process of meiosis?

59 How does meiosis differ from mitosis?

60 Identify the reason for the occurrence of speciation events.

61 Describe how restriction enzymes function.

62 What are chromosomes?

63 How did the Hershey/Chase experiments contribute to the understanding of DNA as the genetic material of the cell?

64 Identify at least five key forms of evidence that support evolutionary theory.

65 Describe adaptive radiation.

66 Contrast introns & exons.

67 Identify the body system responsible for guarding against infection and injury, along with protection from UV radiation.

68 How did Watson & Crick contribute to the understanding of DNA as the genetic material of the cell?

69 Provide at least one example of each macromolecule.

70 Identify at least one advantage for angiosperms producing fruits and seeds.

71 Contrast gradualism & punctuated equilibrium.

72 Contrast the three types of passive transport.

73 Contrast ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds

74 How does an enzyme function? What influences how an enzyme functions?

75 Place the eight major taxonomic ranks in order from most inclusive to most specific.

76 Convert the following into the proper units
345g = ? kg 6cm = ? m 2.89L = ? mL

77 Why is ATP necessary?

78 Distinguish between a scientific theory and a theory as used in general conversation.

79 Briefly describe why cells of multicellular organisms must differentiate.

80 Identify at least one way the cell cycle is controlled.

81 A cell has an internal sodium concentration of 0. 1 mg/mL
A cell has an internal sodium concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. It is placed in a salt solution where the sodium concentration is 0.3 mg/mL. What will happen to the cell?

82 What is a codon?

83 Illustrate the cell cycle by identifying each of the four parts.
What is the cell cycle? Illustrate the cell cycle by identifying each of the four parts.

84 Identify the three enzymes required for DNA replication.

85 Natural selection occurs from the environment favoring various characteristics. How are those characteristics selected in artificial selection?

86 What are the components of all atoms?

87 Identify at least two potential causes of mutation.

88 Illustrate the structure of the cell membrane, including all four structures that are present.

89 Identify at least three differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

90 Elephants play what role in this food chain?

91 What would the anticodon be of the ‘start’ codon?
What is an anticodon? What would the anticodon be of the ‘start’ codon?

92 Briefly explain why frameshift mutations are typically more severe than substitution mutations.

93 Why do scientists utilize the process of gel electrophoresis?

94 Identify the three primary organs of seed plants.

95 Identify at least three factors impacting population growth?

96 Identify at least three differences between the structure of DNA and RNA.

97 Identify at least one major function for each of the macromolecules.

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