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AASHTO / TRB State reps meeting

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1 AASHTO / TRB State reps meeting
Wichita, KS July 25, 2018 TRB by the Numbers Claire Randall Senior Program Officer Technical Activities Division Good morning! Today, I’ll provide you with an overview of TRB—By the Numbers—in order to give you some idea of who is involved in TRB and the breadth of the topics we cover. Who is involved in TRB? Who comes to the Annual Meeting? Who serves on our panels? Our standing committees? What topics do we cover? - What are the different areas of interest of Annual Meeting attendees? What are the most popular TRB reports? What kinds of conferences do we sponsor? TRB has an impressive network of volunteers and covers just about every topic that you can imagine concerning transportation. I hope to leave you with a clear picture of what TRB resources are available and get you thinking about how you might tap into them.

2 Annual Meeting 2018 Statistics Total Attendees: 13,781
Let’s talk about our biggest event of the year—the Annual Meeting. In 2018, we had almost 14,000 attendees. Almost a quarter were 1st time attendees, and over half have attended five or fewer Annual Meetings. And WOW look at how many folks have attended over 50 Annual Meetings! About 1/3 of the attendees were either Young Professionals (which TRB defines as 35 years of age or younger) or Students.

3 Annual Meeting How many of you attended the Annual Meeting last year?
In sum, 15% of the 2018 attendees were our sponsors—about half of them our state DOT sponsors, and about half our Federal sponsors. We also had a handful of attendees representing other TRB sponsors, for example, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). State DOT Sponsors 1,289 Federal Sponsors 1,171 Other Sponsors 51 Total 2,511

4 Annual Meeting Organizational Affiliation
Let’s look at the organizational affiliation of Annual Meeting attendees: About 1/3 Academia, 1/3 Government (which includes Federal Government, State Highway/State DOTs, and MPOs, local governments), and 1/3 Private sector (consultants), Industry, Research Institutions, Associations, and other organizations. So, a good mix of all sectors.

5 Annual Meeting International Participation
Where are people coming from? 17% of 2018 Annual Meeting attendees came from overseas, representing 71 different countries all over the world. Africa 23 Asia 769 Central America 7 Europe 787 Middle East 83 North America (Non-U.S.) 465 Oceania 97 South America 102 The Caribbean 2 Total International 2335 Domestic 11,446 International 2,335 Total 13,781

6 Annual Meeting Geography
And here are the domestic numbers: about 83% of 2018 attendees live in the United States. Here I’ve broken down the numbers by Region for all attendees, and then State DOT attendees. The percentages are about the same. Region 1 423 Region 2 401 Region 3 188 Region 4 277 Total 1,289 Region 1 4,026 Region 2 2,927 Region 3 1,857 Region 4 2,636 Total Domestic 11,446

7 Annual Meeting In the last year, we concluded a TRB-wide Inclusion and Diversity initiative, and a Task Force developed some recommendations for increasing Inclusion and Diversity throughout TRB, especially with respect to women and minorities. Looking at the 2018 Annual Meeting: 28% of attendees were female. 59% were white 30% were minorities, including 12% underrepresented minorities (which TRB defines as African / African American, Hispanic, and American Indian / Alaskan Native) 9% of attendees preferred not to respond

8 Annual Meeting Now that we know who the Annual Meeting attendees are, let’s talk about their areas of interest and content. At the time of registration, attendees were asked to identify their areas of interest. There were 34 categories from which to choose, and individuals could select multiple categories. I should also note that these areas of interest do not align with the 11 standing committee Groups. In sum, there were almost 68,000 responses. I have identified the Top Ten Areas of Interest here.

9 Annual Meeting / Transportation Research Record
2018 Papers 6,200 submitted 5,666 reviewed 875 to be published Last August, we were in receipt of 6,200 papers submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting and/or publication in our journal: the Transportation Research Record. Our standing committees, and army of volunteers, reviewed over 5,600 papers. This graph shows the breakdown of papers reviewed by Group. Approximately 14% of papers submitted (around 875), are expected to be published in the TRR.

10 Annual Meeting 2018 Annual Meeting 1,275 Sessions
And, as you know, many of the papers reviewed by our committees are then presented in sessions at the Annual Meeting. We held nearly 1,300 sessions in 2018 (including workshops, lectern sessions, poster sessions, and committee meetings). Design and Construction held the most sessions, followed by Policy and Organization and Operations and Preservation. The number of sessions per Group is roughly proportional to the number of committees that are in each Group.

11 Webinars 2017 Statistics Total Webinars: 98
Attendance Sites: 22,968 Total Attendance (est.): 35,609 Average Satisfaction: 92% Let’s switch gears and talk about TRB Webinars. In 2017, TRB held 98 webinars. There were almost 23,000 attendance sites, with an estimated attendance of over 35,000. As you can see, the lion’s share of webinar attendees are our state DOT and Federal sponsors. Looking at “Other” attendees: they are mostly from engineering firms and MPOs.

12 Webinars Top Five Webinars #1 Mini Roundabouts: Are we ready to take advantage of mini roundabouts in the US? #2 Human Factor Issues with Roundabouts: The Need for Better Guidance #3 Designing Multimodal Roundabouts: Making them Safe and Efficient for All #4 Innovative Financing for Public Transportation: Value Capture and Small-and Medium-sized Public Private Partnership #5 Right-sizing Roundabout Intersections for State Highways This slide breaks down the webinars by topic. A webinar could touch on more than one topic. So, in 2017, 19 webinars discussed design, 16 discussed aviation, 16 discussed pavement, and so on. On the right is a list of the webinars with the highest attendance. Roundabouts are a popular topic!

13 National Academies Press (NAP)
Top Five Downloaded Reports of 2017 (published in 2017) #1 Public Transportation Guidebook for Small- and Medium-Sized Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) #2 Data Visualization Methods for Transportation Agencies #3 Strategies to Advance Automated and Connected Vehicles #4 Advancing Automated and Connected Vehicles: Policy and Planning Strategies for State and Local Transportation Agencies #5 Control of Concrete Cracking in Bridges Now, let’s look at TRB reports published by the National Academies Press. Of those reports published in 2017, the most downloaded was the Public Transportation Guidebook for Small- and Medium-Sized Public-Private Partnerships (P3s). This report was downloaded 3,200 times in 2017.

14 National Academies Press (NAP)
Top Five Downloaded Reports in 2017 (all publish dates) #1 Roundabouts: An Informational Guide - Second Edition (2010) #2 Public Transportation Guidebook for Small- and Medium-Sized Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) (2017) #3 Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, Third Edition (2013) #4 Track Design Handbook for Light Rail Transit, Second Edition (2012) #5 Data Visualization Methods for Transportation Agencies (2017) Next, let’s look at which reports had the most downloads last year, regardless of publication date. The most downloaded report was Roundabouts: An Informational Guide (Second Edition). So, this report is seven years old, and still very popular. There were about 3,800 downloads of this report in 2017.

15 National Academies Press (NAP)
Top Five Downloaded Reports – last 10 years #1 Roundabouts: An Informational Guide - Second Edition (2010) #2 Responding to Oil Spills in the U.S. Arctic Marine Environment (2014) #3 Driving and the Built Environment: The Effects of Compact Development on Motorized Travel, Energy Use, and CO2 Emissions – Special Report 298 (2009) #4 Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects (2003) #5 Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, Third Edition (2013) Here is a list of most downloaded TRB reports in the past 10 years. The Roundabout study has been downloaded over 6,500 times. The Roundabout report came out of NCHRP. On this list, we’re also seeing two Marine Board reports, a Consensus Study report, and a TCRP report.

16 Specialty Conferences
2017 Statistics Total TRB-sponsored conferences: 9 Total attendance: 1,374 Conference size (range): Topics: Roundabouts, Freight Data, Roadside Safety, Future Highway Capacity Manual Updates, Visualization in Transportation, Transportation Law, Transportation Needs of National Parks and Public Lands, Infrastructure, Census Data TRB also sponsors specialty conferences. These numbers are for TRB-sponsored specialty conferences. We also co-sponsor many specialty conferences in which TRB has a role in planning, but which we do not run. For example, this month (July 2018), TRB is co-sponsoring five specialty conferences. So, in 2017, TRB sponsored 9 specialty conferences on various topics. These specialty conferences are much smaller than the Annual Meeting and enable us to do a really deep dive into a specific topic.

17 Specialty Conferences
2016 Statistics Total TRB-sponsored conferences: 13 Total attendance: 2,646 Conference size (range): Topics: Winter Maintenance, Travel Modeling, Travel Monitoring, Managed Lanes, Roadside Safety, Marine Transportation, Asset Management, Transportation law, Scenario Planning, Harbor Safety, Demand Responsive Transportation, Transformational Technologies, Bicycles & Pedestrians In 2016, TRB sponsored 13 specialty conferences. Many of these conferences are on a two- or three- year cycle, and here you can see some more of the different topics covered by our specialty conferences.

18 Cooperative Research Program
2018 Statistics Total active panels: 265 Total # of panelists:1,851 Let’s talk about the Cooperative Research Program. As of June 2018, there were 265 official NCHRP, TCRP, and ACRP panels, with over 1,800 panelists. There were an additional 8 panels total between the Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (4) Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program (1) and National Cooperative Freight Research Program (3). These 8 panels are not reflected on these slides. I’ll also note that NCHRP has a number of additional unofficial panels.

19 Cooperative Research Program
Of the 1,800+ panelists, 7% are Young Members (or 35 years of age and younger), and about one-quarter are female.

20 Cooperative Research Program
About one-quarter of the panelists are minorities, and 10% are underrepresented minorities.

21 Cooperative Research Program
As you can see, panelists come from across the United States, with the most, about one-third, from Region 4. With respect to organizational affiliation, the greatest number of panelists come from state agencies, followed by consultants and universities.

22 NCHRP Here’s a breakdown of the different subjects covered by NCHRP active panels, and grouped by research area. Of course, the TCRP panels cover transit, and the ACRP panels cover aviation. (Lori can confirm—I believe these numbers include both formal and informal panels.) Spring 2018—from a report looking at the FY19 problem statements.

23 Technical Activities Division
2018 Statistics Standing Committees: 213 Committee Members:6,076 Task Forces: 15 Group # Committees # Members A0000 Technical Activities Council 1 35 AB000 Policy and Organization 32 912 AD000 Planning and Environment 25 776 AF000 Design and Construction 56 1724 AH000 Operations and Preservation 28 717 AL000 Legal Resources 7 113 AN000 Safety and Systems Users 17 505 AP000 Public Transportation 14 410 AR000 Rail 8 185 AT000 Freight Systems 11 289 AV000 Aviation 9 287 AW000 Marine 5 123 Total Standing Committees 213 6,076 Let’s shift gears again and talk about the Technical Activities Division. Today, TRB has 213 Standing Committees and over 6,000 Committee Members. There are also an additional 15 Task Forces. This chart shows the number of Committees and Committee Members in each of our 11 Groups. You can see that the Design and Construction Group is by far the largest with 56 Standing Committees and over 1,700 Committee Members. Other big areas include: Policy and Organization Operations and Preservation Planning and Environment The smaller groups include the non-highway modes of transportation: Safety and Systems Users includes Bike and Ped, then we have Public Transportation Rail Freight Aviation Marine Technical Activities Council houses: Standing Committee on International Cooperation

24 Technical Activities Division
Looking at the Standing Committee Members, about one-fifth are Young Members (meaning they are 35 and Under). About one-quarter are women.

25 Technical Activities Division
About one-quarter of our Committee Members are minorities, and about 8% are underrepresented minorities. Finally, unique to the Technical Activities Division is the volume of international participation: 15% of our standing committee members live overseas.

26 Technical Activities Division
2018 Staff Statistics Division Director, 15 SPOs Educational Background: 5 Engineering 3 Planning Other Disciplines: Public Administration, Public Health, History, Transportation Policy, Economics, Aviation Management & Flight, English, East Asian Studies 3 Ph.Ds 4 P.E.s 1 J.D. 3 MPAs Finally, I’ll share some quick numbers about the staff in my division. We are the folks that work with you on state visits.

27 AASHTO / TRB State reps meeting
Wichita, KS July 25, 2018 Thank you! Claire Randall Senior Program Officer Technical Activities Division That concludes my presentation. My goal in giving this presentation was to leave you with some idea of who is involved in TRB and the breadth of the topics we cover. And to get you thinking about how you might tap into all of the resources we have available. Does anyone have any reactions they’d like to share?

28 TRB Annual Meeting Videos From a state DOT perspective

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