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Bell Work Week of Monday, Jan. 19 – Friday, Jan. 23 Thursday, Jan. 22

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1 Bell Work Week of Monday, Jan. 19 – Friday, Jan. 23 Thursday, Jan. 22 Describe the mark and recapture method of pest population. Is this an effective method for estimating insect populations?

2 Determining Pest Populations
Plant Science AAEC – Paradise Valley Spring 2015

3 I can… Describe the importance of determining the degree of infestation. Describe methods used for sampling insect populations.

4 Describe the importance of determining the degree of infestation.
No action may be taken if infestation is not economically threatening. “Preventative measures” may include cultural practices etc. In the case of economically damaging infestations, the manager will take action to destroy the pests. Sampling is the key to understanding the species and number of insects present.

5 Describe methods used to sampling insect populations.
Insect attractants: pheromones, color, or light used to attract near by insects. Insect traps: cages, liquids, or sticky surfaces used to trap insects. Net: sweeping the field with a net to catch and count insects. Knockdown: beating the plant with a sheet and collecting insects that fall.

6 Your turn to estimate population sizes…..

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