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B-CaP Week 6 – Monday 0009.

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Presentation on theme: "B-CaP Week 6 – Monday 0009."— Presentation transcript:

1 B-CaP Week 6 – Monday 0009

2 Agenda Team Introductions - Presentations
Formally introduce the Elevator Pitch Team Discussion: Paradigms Looking Ahead

3 Team Introductions Tips Introduce team members
Introduce topic speakers Stepping forward/backwards Taking questions Repeat Question Verify or Resolve Thank the audience

4 Elevator Pitch Assignment
60 – 90 Second pitch to promote yourself to a potential Employer Distinguish yourself Who you are What you can offer Genuine, solutions driven, benefit to org Practice at the Job Fair on Thursday!! In Class Next Monday and Wednesday ½ on Monday – ½ on Wednesday

5 Rubric Content – 6 points Vocal Delivery – 4 points
Physical Deliver – 4 points Timing – 1 point TOTAL POINTS = 15

6 Pitch Order -0004 Monday Wednesday Back in Black Taylor Tots
B-Cap Boyz Wednesday Risky Business Sosekis Business As usual

7 Pitch Order - 0009 Monday Wednesday Comfortably Uncomfortable
The Fab Four The A Team Wednesday Business As Usual The Broke Finance Students Average Joes

8 Memo Assignment Audience – They have all read the article
First section is basically an Exec. Summary Synthesize information What trend or theme stands out as important throughout the article? Claim and explain important parts for team members to know and why Use Descriptive Headers Establishes a position – contains a verb/verb form First sentence of each paragraph establishes a claim relating to the header

9 Class Discussion on Paradigms
Discrimination-and-Fairness Iverson and Dunham Access and Legitimacy Access Capital Emerging Paradigm: Learning and Effectiveness Dewy & Levin

10 Wednesday Chapter 5 and 7 – Review Tips for Job Fair
Eight Preconditions for the Emerging Paradigm First Interstate Bank Mastiff Torino Foods Memo Due, 5:00 p.m. Friday (PDF – Icon Dropbox): How do the Paradigms and Pre-conditions relate to your Project Team? What is most important to you and why? What is (are) the key take-away(s) for your team?

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