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Rise of Dictatorships 1939-1941 America in World War II Rise of Dictatorships 1939-1941.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of Dictatorships 1939-1941 America in World War II Rise of Dictatorships 1939-1941."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of Dictatorships 1939-1941
America in World War II Rise of Dictatorships

2 American isolationism

3 Exceptions to isolationism
1921- President Harding- Washington Naval Conference Kellogg-Briand Pact

4 Good Neighbor Policy

5 Causes of WWII Rise of European dictatorships
Failure of the League of Nations Germany’s Invasion of Poland Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor

6 How did the Treaty of Versailles sow the seeds of instability in Europe?

7 Rise of dictatorships

8 Communism Joseph Stalin


10 Benito Mussolini Fascism

11 Adolf Hitler Germany- Nazism (fascist political philosophy)
Weimar Republic German National Socialists (Nazis)

12 Draw your own conclusion as to why Hitler found widespread support among the German people. Use details from your notes and discussion to form your conclusion.

13 Francisco Franco Civil War between Republicans & Nationalists
Franco- military dictatorship

14 Japan becomes an Empire
Militarists gain control Capture of Manchuria 1931





19 Failure League of Nations failed to accomplish its goal…

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