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DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday September 18, 2012

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday September 18, 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday September 18, 2012

2 High Attendance Rates = High Achievement Rates!
Attendance Matters High Attendance Rates = High Achievement Rates! Year-To-Date as of CHS Attendance Rate is: 96.55% We can do better!

3 Class average is now 21.83 (above state average)
WE OWN OUR DATA ACT State Average: 21.6 74 of 141 Seniors have taken the ACT 34 seniors scored above the state average! The scoring range is 14-30 Class average is now (above state average)

4 Class average is now 22.22 (above state average)
WE OWN OUR DATA ACT State Average: 21.6 27 of 155 Juniors have taken the ACT 15 juniors scored above the state average! The scoring range is 15-30 Class average is now (above state average)

5 ACT Vocabulary of the Day

6 ACT Vocabulary of the Day

7 Bonus Question – Analogy
A bomb produces an explosion. A joke produces mirth (or laughter)

8 Bonus Question – Analogy

9 ACT Question of the Day ( )/8 = 7/8

10 ACT Question of the Day

11 Do YOU need to make up credit???
Recovery Questions? See Mr. Perry or Mrs. Dorr in the Guidance Office. 3:15 – 5:30pm Computer Lab 105 Credit Recovery will be held each Monday and Wednesday 3:15-5:30 pm.

12 Will visit CHS on Wednesday, September 19th at 11 a.m.
Sign up in the Guidance Office to visit with him

13 College Reps are coming to visit with Juniors and Seniors
Northwest MO State University Monday, Sept. 24th at 9:30 a.m. College of the Ozarks Monday, Sept. 24th at 1:00 p.m. Sign up in the Guidance Office!

14 More Thursday, September 27th at 8 a.m. Ozark Technical College
Wednesday, Sept. 26th at 9:30 a.m. Sign up in the Guidance Office

15 And more William Jewell Thursday, September 27th at 1:00 p.m. Hannibal-LaGrange University Thursday, September 27th at 2:00 p.m. Sign up in the Guidance Office

16 FCCLA 1st Meeting! Thursday, September 20th, 6pm at Optimist Park
Want to join? Come see Mrs. Gremaud in room 209 for forms Dues are $15 Don’t know much about us? Come to our first meeting to learn more!

17 Attention FCCLA Members (old and new)
If you are interested in attending any of the fall conferences stop by Mrs. Gremaud’s room ASAP for permission slips and trip info. Deposits are due September 27. Don’t wait!!!


19 The first 25,000 completed applications will receive a
SENIORS CLASS OF 2013 IF YOU: Excel in academics Participate in sports Are involved in your community & extracurricular activities WENDY’S HIGH SCHOOL HEISMAN Wants to honor your achievements! The first 25,000 completed applications will receive a $10 WENDY’S GIFT CARD APPLY NOW!

20 Recipients of a Hagan Scholarship will join a small yet distinguished group of high achieving students who aspire to obtain a college education in order to realize their full potential. The dollar amount of each Hagan Scholarship will vary up to $5,000 per semester. Each scholarship is renewable for up to seven additional semesters if the recipient fulfills the renewal criteria. About one hundred fifty (150) new scholarships will be awarded in 2013 . The Hagan Scholarship is intended to make a college education affordable and will provide each recipient with the opportunity to graduate college debt free. Brochures are available in the CHS Guidance Office with additional information and application information at

21 Saying Thanks Thanks to everyone who has been turning in their pop tabs. We are really doing a good thing here. Each pop tab that is turned in makes a difference. ½ of the tabs go to the Ronald McDonald House and ½ go to cancer treatments at Children’s Mercy Hospital. CMH is a collection site for both endeavors. If you are interested in collecting from your classes, that would be great. Just a thought.

22 ART CLUB What? A club where we do different activities to help you express your creativity, ideas and develop your skills. When? Thursday after school. Where? The art room, 205 Why? Because it’s awesome.

23 Spanish Club Meeting Friday, Sept. 21st 6pm-10pm
Potluck dinner and game night come by and sign-up for a dish. You need to pay your dues if you haven’t already paid them.




27 Mandi Little First Year Teaching at Clinton
Moved to Clinton from St. Louis in July Graduated from Drury 2011 Played Soccer (Won 16th in National Tournament ) My Loves <3: Family My best friend (Twin Sister) Micah My Puppy Nike Working out Playing Sports (Mainly Soccer, Softball, Basketball) Running Half Marathons St. Louis Traveling Shopping

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