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Learning Disabilities

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1 Learning Disabilities
Today you will come away with impactful information about those with LD and some ways to help. The Who and the What By: Lindsey Lipsky, M.Ed.

2 Why Learning Disabilities?
About me: I was a special education teacher for 5 years, working with students who had mild to severe learning delays in elementary, middle and high school settings. Before working in education, I worked in the non-profit world with BBBS and Feeding America.

3 SELF-Contained LD, ED, Autism, Mutli-Disabilities
Activity? My RSD SELF-Contained LD, ED, Autism, Mutli-Disabilities

4 POLL: On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your knowledge of Learning Disabilities?

5 Three Main Topics Defining “Learning Disability” Facts about LD
How to Help

6 What is LD? LD in Reading is often called Dyslexia, or Specific Learning Disorder in Reading-Decoding What does your school call it? A learning disability is defined as a neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to receive, process, store, and respond to information. 1 Learning Disabilities are some of the most complex and difficult disabilities to diagnose. 1 "National Center for Learning Disabilities |

7 A Learning Disability affects how a person:

8 Family Support Background Personality School Location
Social-Emotional Issues Socio-Economic Status There are many factors that can affect a Learning Disability Personality Think of Learning Disabilities as a PUZZLE--- Truth be told, learning disabilities (LD) are not easily explained. While they are “specific” to any number of areas of learning (such as reading, math, and writing) they are also often overlapping or co-occurring, meaning that individuals with LD can have significant challenges in more than one area of skill development and performance. Because learning doesn't take place in a vacuum, social-emotional and behavioral issues often mask or exacerbate the effects of LD. And as individuals are exposed to new information, gain new insights and experience, and build their own strategies to overcome or work around their areas of struggle, the impact of their learning disabilities can change, for better or for worse. School Location Motivation

9 Types: Learning Disabilities
Disability Area of difficulty Trouble With Example Dyslexia Processing language Reading Writing Spelling Confusing letter names and sounds, difficulties blending sounds into words, slow rate of reading, trouble remembering text read Dyscalculia Math skills Computation Remembering math facts Concepts of time and money Difficulty learning to count by 2s, 3s, 4s, poor mental math skills, problems with spatial directions Dysgraphia Written expression Handwriting Composition Illegible handwriting, difficulty organizing ideas for writing Dyspraxia Fine motor skills Coordination Manual dexterity Trouble with scissors, buttons, drawing Information Processing Disorders Auditory Processing Disorder Interpreting auditory information Language development Difficulty anticipating how a speaker will end a sentence Visual Processing Disorder Interpreting visual information Math Difficulty distinguishing letters like “h” and “n” 4 MAJOR types of LD: DYSLEXIA (MOST COMMON), Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia ADD/ADHD are not LDs! Some Dyslexia is diagnosed as Auditory Processing Disorder. Depends on evaluator. National Center for Learning Disabilities |

10 What is LD? Lazy Unfit for school Stupid Delinquent Can’t Learn
First coined in 1969 to address students who faced learning challenges/obstacles despite any other known physical, mental or health related issues. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)1975; became the law to help those with disabilities like LD In 1969, the federal government recognized "specific learning disabilities" as a category within special education, and in 1975, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was authorized

11 The Facts Currently 2.4 million students are diagnosed with LD, representing 41% of all students receiving special education services in schools.1 LD is common; affecting an estimated 4%-6% of the public school population 2 Over 70% of Learning Ally members in FY13 were identified as having a Learning Disability3 1 IDEA Part B Child Count, 2010, Students ages Available at  2 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2010). The Condition of Education 2010 (NCES ), Indicator 18. Available at  3 Learning Ally FY14 Illinois State Board of Education AOI

12 Diagnostic Trends This graph shows the trends in LD since the authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Act in 1975 when were on a steep incline, slowly facing a downturn starting in 2006 (possibly due to less focus on diagnosis and more focus on early intervention/ RtI) U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (2011). Digest of Education Statistics, 2010 (NCES )

13 Ways to Help Early intervention Advocacy Build Relationships
Information is power - If you or someone you know has a learning disability—it is becoming increasingly important for one to advocate for his or her needs. -Find out what works for you and communicate that. -Do your own research and keep abreast of new developments in learning disability programs, therapies, and educational techniques--The more you know, the better prepared you’ll be.

14 Remember, Learning Disabilities are lifelong- However, individuals with LD can and do learn to compensate for their areas of weakness; many becoming highly successful and productive members of society. Here are just a few examples of famous people with Learning Disabilities/ Dyslexia

15 Questions?

16 Thank You. Let’s Connect Twitter @LindseyLipsky Email: Lindsey
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