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The Seven Churches of Asia Pergamos

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1 The Seven Churches of Asia Pergamos
Revelation 2:12-17 NT Church

2 Letters to the churches
7 letters to 7 congregations – symbolic of the church as a whole. Common conditions found in every church Thus we can ask, “How does this apply to us? Pergamos

3 Letters to the churches
Ephesus – Left their first love Smyrna – Persecuted (poor-rich) Thyatira – Compromise (tolerating) Pergamos – Corrupt (immorality) Sardis – Dead (or dying) Philadelphia – An open door Laodicea – lukewarm (rich-poor) Pergamos

4 Third prominent city in Asia, competing for title of “First of Asia”
The city of Pergamos Third prominent city in Asia, competing for title of “First of Asia” Located 50 miles north of Smyrna and about 15 miles inland. Another important city of commerce in the area. Capital of the region of Mysia Pergamos

5 The city of Pergamos Had 1) a library; 2) famous for learning; 3)a large theater; 4) credited with inventing parchment; 5) prominence in medicine and healing A judicial city where the imperial governor regularly held court (Christians would have faced peril daily) Pergamos

6 Even here we find a church of Christ
The city of Pergamos Idolatry and emperor worship rivaled Smyrna. Described as worst of the 7 in Revelation. 3 temples to emperors, and Roma Also temples to Zeus, Athena, Dionysius and Asclepius (god of healing) Even here we find a church of Christ Pergamos

7 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Christ identified He who has the sharp two-edged sword 2:12 Words of judgment and truth (1:16) Hebrews 4:12 John 12:48 Even in a worldly city, He is still Lord and judge! Pergamos Don McClain,

8 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Their strengths “I know your works” Where you dwell is the throne of Satan – possibly emperor worship or Roman idolatry Ephesians 2:2 You hold fast to My name – they did not deny Him! Philippians 2:16, Matthew 10:32-33 Pergamos

9 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Their strengths You did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. At least one had been persecuted to the point of death. Clearly there was a price for following Christ. They stood fast! Pergamos

10 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Their Condemnations I have a few things against you You have there those who hold to the doctrine of Balaam – Balaam – a prophet hired by Balak to curse Israel. When God blessed them, eventually Balaam found a way – involved idolatry and fornication. Numbers 21-25, 31:16 2 Peter 2:15, Jude greed Pergamos

11 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Their Condemnations Balaam – eat things sacrificed to idols and commit sexual immorality (fornication) Both acts associated with idolatry – 1 Corinthians 8, 6:9-11, Hebrews 13:4 Also those who hold to the doctrine of the Nicolaitans – previously mentioned with Ephesus. Ephesus rejected them, while Pergamos tolerated them Pergamos

12 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Their Condemnations The church at Pergamos IGNORED idolatrous and immoral behavior among its members Similar to 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 Pergamos

13 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Call to action Repent! They needed to quit ignoring those endorsing error – both moral and religious Or else I will come and fight against THEM with the sword of My mouth They would be judged by His word, unless they changed! Pergamos

14 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
Call to action He who has an ear let him hear. The answer to returning to Him, learning where we have strayed and what we need to be like are found only in “what the Spirit says” in His word. Pergamos

15 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
The promise To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat Manna was the bread from heaven that sustained Israel in the wilderness – Exodus 16, cf. Joshua 5:12 Hidden manna – possibly the pot at the ark – Exodus 16:33-34, Hebrews 9:4 Pergamos

16 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
The promise To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat To Pergamos, the promise is that the Lord will sustain them, regardless of what they lose in this life. It is everlasting! John 6:48-51 – He is the bread of life Pergamos

17 The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17
The promise To him who overcomes … I will give him a white stone White – the color of purity. Many theories – freedom, recognition, etc. Possibly judicial – a “lot” cast for innocence Pergamos

18 Can one know he is in His kingdom?
The Letter to Pergamos – 2:12-17 The promise To him who overcomes … I will give him a white stone, with a new name that none knows except him who receives it Christians (cf. Isaiah 62:2, Acts 11:26) live with a new name – belonging to Him! “Worthy” – Revelation 3:12 – name of God and the New Jerusalem. Can one know he is in His kingdom? Pergamos

19 A church that is doctrinally sound. There is love for one another
Does this apply to us? A church that is doctrinally sound. There is love for one another But there is a failure to address those who are not living godly lives or are seeking fellowship with those in doctrinal error. They are included in corporate action (e.g. worship) as if they are fine Pergamos

20 A church that is doctrinally sound. There is love for one another
Does this apply to us? A church that is doctrinally sound. There is love for one another Perhaps there are those who have been accepted into their fellowship who have not renounced their former errors Their teaching may be SILENT or weak on certain subjects that challenge Pergamos

21 What does social media say about us?
Does this apply to us? A problem today: There are many who treat doctrinal and moral practices as if they are inconsequential. Some churches pick and choose which issues should be addressed and which ones should be ignored What does social media say about us? Pergamos

22 Does this apply to us? WHY is this a problem? They are tolerating error How does this affect the influence of the church in the community? When we ignore doctrinal and moral error – we always drift closer to the world and further away from God (unless we repent) When we are more concerned with appeasing the world than we are with pleasing God – WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Pergamos

23 Are we like the church at Pergamos?

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