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राज्यको गणित Kingdom Math
Kingdom Math VC Lesson राज्यको गणित Kingdom Math Opening Slide Last Updated 7/07
Kingdom Math VC Lesson परिचय Introduction तपाइको मण्डलीले कहिले तिनीहरुको मण्डली धेरै खाँचोमा छन, अरुलाई सहएता गर्न सक्दैनन भनि सोच्नु भएको छ ? Methodologies: Personal Experiences Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Get one or two testimonies from participants Last Updated 7/07
Kingdom Math VC Lesson Introduction तपाइले आफ्नै मण्डली लाइ सानो र अरुलाइ सहेता गर्ने सक्दैन भनि सोच्नु भएको छ? Methodologies: Video Storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Either show this video (The Church As A Window DVD) or tell a story of a church that gave its resources to God and then God multiplied what they sacrificially gave to extend His Kingdom. Last Updated 7/07
Kingdom Math VC Lesson मुख्यपद Key Verse उहाले थकित हरुलाई बल दिनुहुन्छ र कमजोरी हरुको शक्ति बढाईदिनु हुन्छ He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak यसैया ४०: २९ Methodologies: Question-asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the large group if they have a personal or a non-personal illustration of this verse. Have one or two people share. Last Updated 7/07
मुख्य पदको पत्तालगाउनु पर्ने प्रस्न Key Verse Discovery Question
Kingdom Math VC Lesson मुख्य पदको पत्तालगाउनु पर्ने प्रस्न Key Verse Discovery Question तपाईले यो पदलाई कसरी हिसाबको सुत्रमा लान सक्नु हुन्छ ? ( How might you translate that verse into a mathematical formula?) Methodologies: Problem-Solving Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Hand out elements of the formula (Our Weakness) (x) (God) (=) (Strength) on paper or cardboard large enough for everyone in the class to read. Give one element to a volunteer. There should be five volunteers each holding a different element. Hand elements out so that they are not in order. Have volunteers stand in a line in front of the class. Have class participants arrange the volunteers in order so that Isa 40:29 is told in a mathematical formula. Last Updated 7/07
मुख्य पदको पत्तालगाउनु पर्ने प्रस्न Key Verse Discovery Question
Kingdom Math VC Lesson मुख्य पदको पत्तालगाउनु पर्ने प्रस्न Key Verse Discovery Question यो पदलाई हिसाबको सुत्रमा तपाइ कसरि लान सक्नु हुन्छ ? ( How might you translate that verse into a mathematical formula? हाम्रो दुर्बलता X परमेश्वर = हाम्रो बल (Our Weakness X God = Strength) Methodologies: Analysis and Drawing a Conclusion Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Show this slide to affirm the arrangement of the elements the participants made. Explain that you will tell stories from the Bible and that you want the students to arrange formulas that you will provide in order to tell the story If you are using large formula elements provide them after you have told the story in the same way you did Isa 40:29 If you are using envelopes that enclose the story elements, hand out the envelopes only for the story you will tell before you tell the story. Be sure participants do not open the envelopes until you tell them to open them. After you tell the story and debrief it, you can collect the envelope from the story you just told and then pass out the envelope for the next story. Last Updated 7/07
सहायक पद (Supporting Verses)
Kingdom Math VC Lesson सहायक पद (Supporting Verses) केटाको माछा र रोटि यहुन्ना ६: १-१४, मात्ति १४:२१ Methodologies: Storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Tell this story. Make it animated and dramatic, playing the different roles, i.e., the boy, the mother, Andrew. Etc. Last Updated 7/07
= ५००० मानिसहरुको लागि खाने कुरा + स्त्री र बालबालिकाहरु
Kingdom Math VC Lesson केटाको माछा र रोटि केटा + ५ रोटि र दुइ माछा X येशु = ५००० मानिसहरुको लागि खाने कुरा + स्त्री र बालबालिकाहरु + १२ डाला उब्रिएको Methodologies: Problem-solving Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: After the students have arranged their formulas show this slide to reinforce the answer. (You can encourage competition within the groups – solving the problems quickly) Last Updated 7/07
प्रस्नहरु के येशु ले कुनै अर्को प्रकारले भीडलाई खुवाउन सक्नु हुनथ्यो?
Kingdom Math VC Lesson प्रस्नहरु के येशु ले कुनै अर्को प्रकारले भीडलाई खुवाउन सक्नु हुनथ्यो? किन येशुले केटाको रोटि र माछा लाइ चलाउनु भयो? Methodologies: Question asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the group to think about this – Yes, Jesus could have fed the crowd a different way. He could have turned stones to bread. He could have had manna come from heaven. Then why did Jesus use a small boy who only had enough food for himself to feed that crowd? Ask the students to remember this question you go to the next story. If using envelopes, be sure to have participants put formula elements back into the envelopes, collect the envelopes from the first story, and pass out the envelope for the next story. Last Updated 7/07
बिधुवा र दुई सिक्का मर्कुस १२: ४१- ४४ Kingdom Math VC Lesson
Methodologies: Story-telling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Dramatize the story acting out and contrasting the attitude of the rich people and then the widow as they placed their offerings in the offering box. Hint: In those days there was no paper money. The larger the coin the more noise it made as it fell in the box. The higher you would hold the coin the louder the sound would be when it hit the other coins in the box. The widow’s coins were too small to make any sound. You could actually use the largest coin and the smallest to illustrate. Last Updated 7/07
बिधुवा + २ सिक्का X येशु = २००० प्रेरणा का वर्षहरु बिधुवा र दुई सिक्का
Kingdom Math VC Lesson बिधुवा र दुई सिक्का बिधुवा + २ सिक्का X येशु = २००० प्रेरणा का वर्षहरु Methodologies: Concluding Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Show slide to confirm the story Last Updated 7/07
साधारण सुत्र गरिब मानिस Poor People + परमेशोर को प्रेम + विश्वास
Kingdom Math VC Lesson साधारण सुत्र गरिब मानिस Poor People + परमेशोर को प्रेम + विश्वास + आज्ञाकारिता र बलिदान पुर्बक को दान = प्रमेश्वोर गुनानात्मकरुमा बृद्दी + अरुकोलागी आसिस + ब्यकिगत आशिस + परमेशोरको प्रसंसा Methodologies: Synthesis Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Explain that by combining what we have seen in the above stories we can make a common formula. Review the formula in two parts – this slide and the next. Last Updated 7/07
धेरै दुखलाग्दो सिक्काको कथा मात्ति २५: १४-३० सिक्काको उखान
Kingdom Math VC Lesson सिक्काको उखान धेरै दुखलाग्दो सिक्काको कथा मात्ति २५: १४-३० Methodologies: Storytelling Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: You have one more story to tell, but this one isn’t a happy one. Dramatize the story using the characters of the master and his three servants. Have participants arrange the formula to tell the story. If using envelopes, be sure to have participants put formula elements back into the envelopes, collect the envelopes from the last story. Last Updated 7/07
धेरै दुखलाग्दो कथा नोकर + १ सिक्का X ० (सुन्य) = ० सिक्का
Kingdom Math VC Lesson धेरै दुखलाग्दो कथा नोकर + १ सिक्का X ० (सुन्य) = ० सिक्का + अन्धकारमा फालियको नोकर Methodologies: Review Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Show slide to confirm results Last Updated 7/07
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