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Together for an integrated, innovative and sustainable Alpine region

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Presentation on theme: "Together for an integrated, innovative and sustainable Alpine region"— Presentation transcript:

1 Together for an integrated, innovative and sustainable Alpine region
Ispra, 25 June 2015 Andrea MAIRATE Head of Competence Centre Macro-Regions and European Territorial Cooperation

2 History - Long tradition of cooperation in the area;
- Council Conclusions 19/20 December 2013; - kick off meeting Commissioner Hahn MFA 7 countries - Dec 2013; - 01/2014 – 02/2015 Steering group Works; ISWG extensive involvement other Dg' and REGIO - 15/07/ /10/2014 – Public Consultation - 1 & 2 Dec Stakeholder Conference Milan


4 Why? • one of the economically most dynamic, innovative and competitive areas in Europe. But also • Environmental, economic and social challenges requiring a common response; • number of cooperation structures operating in the area; • Strong request from the Regions

5 How? Building on past experience:
- limited number of well-defined objectives with clear added value; - Ensure ownership commitment and leadership : streamlined governance structure, involving all concerned actors , clear division of tasks and roles; Commission acting as a facilitator EUSALP : 3 thematic Objectives : 1 - innovation and SME's, 2 – accessibility and connectivity, 3 - environment and energy + Governance as a cross cutting Objective

6 What are the expected results?
Specific indicators and targets are defined in the Action Plan to monitor the implementation of EUSALP • population: a healthier and better preserved environmental framework, more job opportunities better connections, allowing younger generations to remain in or come back to remote areas. • public institutions and organisations - improve their efficiency in implementing policies and actions ; • economic/business sector: increase the productivity and the positioning of the private operators in the Region; .

7 Governance model

8 Open issues Balance between growth and territorial development – core areas vs surrounding areas Focus on a limited number of objectives and priority areas Streamlining Governance structures – but need to ensure balanced representation between States and regions

9 Next Steps • Adoption by the Commission – 22 July 2015
• Endorsement by the Council – before end 2015 • Launch event (Slovenia) – January 2016

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