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The King’s Beard.

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Presentation on theme: "The King’s Beard."— Presentation transcript:

1 The King’s Beard

2 One day the king wanted to test his ministers
One day the king wanted to test his ministers. So he called them all and asked a simple question, “What should you do to the person who pulls a king’s beard?”

3 The young ministers pulled out their swords and shouted, “We will kill the person who dares to pull the king’s beard.”

4 There was one old and wise minister, who softly said, “We must salute the person who pulls our King’s beard.”

5 Everybody was taken aback.

6 Then the old minister pointed out to the young prince sitting on the king’s lap. He was pulling his fathers beard.

7 The young ministers then understood that they spoke in a hurry without thinking. Seeing that the old man was so clever the king made him his Prime Minister.

8 Often we say things that we do not mean in a hurry, we must think before we speak.

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