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By Ellie Loxton And Josephine Billany

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1 By Ellie Loxton And Josephine Billany
Our Curriculum Survey By Ellie Loxton And Josephine Billany

2 What and why What did we do? Why did we do it?
A group of children from Swan class were chosen to do a survey, on what our parents want us to learn in school. In our survey we asked four questions about the curriculum and here are our findings. Why did we do it? We did it because Mrs Eveleigh asked us too!

3 Should we be able to name trees and plants?
Everyone we asked said yes! “Maybe.” “Yes but just the main ones.” “Yes it’s as good a knowledge as anything else!” Julie Merrett said ”I would love it if all the kids could!” she also said we should also be able to name birds too.”

4 What skills do we need to learn for life?
“Respect!” “Self awareness!” “Looking after your health.” “How to persevere.” “The value of friendship!” “Independence and problem solving.” “IT safety,” “How to get on with all different sorts of people.” “Relaxation” “Ways to increase self-confidence.” “Social skills,” “How to manage money.”

5 Should we learn about all religions and beliefs around the world?
Lots and lots of people said “YES”! In fact 12/15 people to be precise. “ Not all of them, but the things that are important around you.” Two people said “ I suppose.” “ Yes, but you should learn about other cultures too.”

6 Should we learn more about our locality?
Four people said “definitely.” “Yes, but also the work that goes on around here and historic.” “ Yes, It’s quite important.”

7 Many people said that we shouldn’t have any homework! RESULT!
Also…. Many people said that we shouldn’t have any homework! RESULT!

8 PowerPoint by: Josephine Billany And Ellie Loxton Survey by: Josephine Billany, Ellie Loxton, Charlie Cox, Lucy Caston, Bethany Thompson, Kylan Mckeever. Questions by: Mrs Deborah Eveleigh

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