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Using Mach153A Lecture Tools

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1 Using Mach153A Lecture Tools
Mach153A John Branlund

2 Learning Objectives: Learn how to use the different links that are a part of my WebCT lectures. Become familiar with WebCT, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, video viewing, and Microsoft Power Point. Take charge of your learning experience.

3 Before you begin…. If there is anything you will need to have for this lecture, it will be noted on a slide at the beginning of the presentation. Have the materials ready before continuing.

4 Computer Requirements
The Adobe Acrobat plugin must be installed to view PDF files. The Microsoft Word Viewer plugin must be installed to view DOC files. The Macromedia Flash pugin must be installed to view the videos. The Microsoft Power Point viewer plugin must be installed to view the Power Point files. You need an Internet connection to get to WebCT.

5 WebCt is the shell Holds all the links indexed by the course menu.

6 Modules Page The ‘Modules’ menu item opens an ‘Index’ page with a link for each week.

7 Each Module… Contains material for that week.
Use the right scroll bar to scroll thru the page.

8 Informational Links There are links in the pages which will take you to sites outside of WebCT, in a new browser window, for additional information.

9 Lecture Links Lecture links are usually in a table:

10 Handout format Both the PDF & DOC handouts have the same format – Each slide image with lines next to it for your notes, 3 slides per page:

11 PDF Docs An Adobe Acrobat file of the handout for the presentation.
Opens in browser window with an Acrobat toolbar inserted:

12 PDF Docs – Printing - 01 Use the ‘Print’ icon on the Acrobat toolbar:

13 PDF Docs – Printing - 02 Only print the pages that you NEED.
Use ‘Current Page’ or ‘Pages From’ to limit printing.

14 Word Docs - 01 Opens in a browser window you can type in:

15 Word Docs - 02 Use ‘File’ & ‘Print’ menu to print:

16 Word Docs - 03 You can save this as a file to your floppy disk using ‘File’ and ‘SaveAs’:

17 Video - 01 Clicking the video link opens the video up in a new browser window:

18 Video – 02 Most videos have sound so you will need head phones or speakers to hear the audio. Use the ‘VCR’ type controls at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll down a bit) to pause-rewind-play the video at your speed.

19 Power Point Slides - 01 Clicking on the Power Point link will open the file of slides. There is a control to the right under the scroll bar to control which slide you are viewing.

20 Power Point Slides - 02 To print use ‘File’ & ‘Print’ then select the ‘Current Slide’ button”

21 G-Code Link - 01 Clicking the ‘G-Code’ link will open that text in a browser window:

22 G-Code Link - 02 We will copy & paste this to put a file on your floppy disk for simulation. Select ‘Edit’ & ‘Select All’. Select ‘Edit’ & ‘Copy’. This put the text into the Windows Clipboard.

23 G-Code Link - 03 Open the Notepad application.
Select ‘Edit’ & ‘Paste’. Select ‘File’ & ‘Save’. Select the ‘A:’ drive and give the file a name. Now you can run the sample in the simulator.

24 Manual Page Link If I have a page(s) of a CNC Manual that I want you to read, you will have this link. As with the PDF Doc link, it will open in a new browser window. In this example it is more than a few pages!

25 Printing Manual Page(s)
Be sure to check how many pages you are printing!

26 Conclusions: This was a lot of stuff! You do not have to know it all right now. Try this page and try to understand how to use the tools. Ask questions! I hope you find WebCT useful to your educational experience.

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