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Vocab Unit 1 Quiz 2/9 or 2/10
Adamant Adjective firm in purpose or opinion, unyielding, obdurate, implacable, inflexible My grandmother was adamant about us having a family dinner every Sunday. If we missed one we were in big trouble.
brouhaha noun a confused hodgepodge of sounds, hubbub; an uproar or commotion that goes far beyond what is justified When the boy landed his water bottle on the first try there was a large brouhaha as everyone went crazy.
Bulwark Noun - a strong defense or protection, a solid wall-like structure for defense Verb - to provide such defense or protection The soldiers relied on the bulwark to protect them from enemy fire. The door bulwarked and protected the people from harm.
Approbation Noun the expression of favorable opinion, praise; official approval When everyone scored 100% on their quiz, the teacher gave much approbation to the class and congratulated them.
Assuage Verb To make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench In order to assuage his hunger, he snacked on grapes until lunch time.
Coalition Noun a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose The coalition of people got together to discuss ways they could improve recycling in their community.
Decadence Noun decline, decay, or deterioration; a condition or period of decline or decay; excessive self indulgence. My little brother ate 15 pieces of candy, and this decadence led to a bad stomachache. The abandoned hotel went through a period of decadence. Since no one maintained it, everything was falling apart.
Elicit Verb to draw forth, to bring out from some source (such as another person) The teacher tried to elicit a stronger answer from the student by asking him more questions.
Expostulate Verb To express strong disagreement or disapproval
When the coach made a bad call, you could hear the entire stadium expostulate with his decision and yell at him.
Hackneyed Adjective used so often as to lack freshness or originality
Slang often becomes so hackneyed when everyone starts saying it, so the words eventually die down.
Hiatus noun a gap, opening, break (in the sense of having something missing) The band went on a one-year hiatus before deciding to make another album and tour again.
Innuendo Noun a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference (often in a derogatory sense) Although he is not blatantly obvious, Shakespeare uses many innuendos in plays to hint at crude ideas.
Intercede Verb to plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party or go-between in a disagreement. The counselor interceded during the argument and helped both people calm down and come to an agreement.
Jaded Adjective wearied, worn-out, dulled (in the sense of being satiated by over-indulgence) After working at his job for over 30 years, the employee became jaded and no longer cared about his work.
Lurid Adjective causing shock, horror, or revulsion; sensational; pale or sallow in color; terrible or passionate in intensity or lack of restraint Due to the violent nature of the video game, the young boy’s parents did not want him to play the lurid game.
Meritorious Adjective worthy, deserving recognition and praise
The club’s meritorious volunteer work included building houses and collecting food for underprivileged families.
Petulant Adjective peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset The petulant woman on the plane made a big scene because the little boy next to her kept tapping his hands on his armrest.
Prerogative Noun a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence Since his dad was the boss, the boy had the prerogative to eat whatever food he wanted for free at the restaurant.
Provincial Adjective - pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind or outlook, countrified in the sense of being limited and backward; of a simple, plain design that originated in the countryside Noun - a person with a narrow point of view; a person from an outlying are; a soldier from a province or colony People joke that those who grew up in the “Orange County bubble” have a provincial outlook on things since they were very sheltered.
Remit Verb to send or hand in (as money); to cancel (as a penalty or punishment), forgive, pardon; to lessen, diminish; to put off, postpone, defer The judge decided to remit the young woman and give her community service hours instead of jail time.
Requisite Adjective needed, necessary, regarded as essential or indispensable Her Intro to Chemistry class was a requisite class that she needed to take before taking the more advanced chemistry classes.
Thwart Verb to oppose successfully; to prevent, frustrate
The Incredibles thwarted Syndrome’s plans to kill off all superheroes by destroying the Omnidroid.
Transcend Verb to rise above or beyond, exceed
The team transcended all expectations and became CIF Champions.
Umbrage Noun foliage giving shade; an overshadowing influence or power; offense, resentment; a vague suspicion I sat underneath the umbrage in the park to read since the trees gave a lot of shade. The group took umbrage to the racist jokes made by the comic.
Unctuous Adjective excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression of earnestness, sincerity, or piety; fatty, oily; pliable My unctuous new neighbors invited the whole neighborhood over to their house for a seven-course dinner to try and impress us. It was a bit too much; we would have rather had a simple BBQ.
Classwork Write 15 sentences with one vocab word per sentence.
Sentence must show the meaning of the word to show understanding. Examples: Bad - The boy was malicious. Good - The malicious boy did not care if he hurt his sister’s feelings.
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