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Presentation By: Hannah Holtzman

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1 Presentation By: Hannah Holtzman
“And of Clay Are We Created” From The Stories of Eva Luna By: Isabel Allende © 1989 In Spanish, 1991 English Translation Presentation By: Hannah Holtzman

2 Story Background Information
Based on real event. Actual news accounts about a young girl trapped following a volcanic eruption in Columbia. Omaira Sanchez = Azucena

3 Isabel Allende’s Background
Born 1942 Became magazine and television journalist in Chile. 1973 – Exiled from Chile 1991 – Daughter died from incurable disease

4 Author’s Purpose Relates to a real story that touched her
Relates to her own life Relates the characters to herself and others

5 Literary Elements External Conflict Man vs. Nature
Ex. Azucena faces the eruption of the volcano. And is trapped in mud, clay, and water.

6 Literary Elements Setting
Ex. “The towns in the valley went about their daily life, deaf to the moaning of the earth, until that fateful Wednesday night in November…” (Allende 1, lines 16-17)

7 Literary Elements Suspense
Ex. “…was convinced that everything would end well…” (Allende 5, lines )

8 Literary Elements Point of View First Person
Ex. “Many miles away, I watched Rolf Carle and the girl on a television screen. I could not bear the wait at home…” (Allende 5, lines )

9 Literary Elements Mood
Ex. “They discovered the girl’s head protruding from the mud pit, eyes wide open, calling soundlessly.” (Allende 1, lines 1-2)

10 Figurative Language Metaphor
Ex. “She sank slowly, a flower in the mud.” (Allende 10, lines )

11 Figurative Language Simile
Ex. “Sorrow flooded through him, intact and precise, as if it had lain always in his mind, waiting”

12 Figurative Language Hyperbole
Ex. “…until that fateful Wednesday night in November when a prolonged roar announced the end of the world…”

13 Figurative Language Imagery
Ex. “…unbearable image of the head budding like a black squash…”

14 Tone Ex. “I watched that hell on the first morning broadcast, cadavers(dead bodies) of people and animals awash in the current of new rivers formed overnight from the melted snow.”

15 “The towns in the valley went about their daily life, deaf to the moaning of the earth, until that fateful Wednesday night in November when a prolonged roar announced the end of the world, and walls of snow broke loose, rolling in an avalanche of clay, stones, and water that descended on the villages and buried them beneath unfathomable meters of telluric(relating to the earth) vomit.” Style

16 Omaira Sanchez Trapped in clay for 55 hours from volcanic eruption
Held down by concrete slab from house and her aunt’s dead body Blood pressure dropped so low that she suffered from a heart attack and died.

17 Works Cited Allen, Janet, Arthur N. Applebee, Jim Burke, Douglas Carnine, Yvette Jackson, Robert J. Jiménez, Judith A. Langer, Robert J. Marzano, Mary Lou. McCloskey, Donna M. Ogle, Carol Booth. Olson, Lydia Stack, and Carol Ann. Tomlinson. McDougal Littell Literature. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, Print. "La Agonia De Omaira." YouTube. YouTube, Web. 15 Jan Melani, Lilia. "Literary Terms." Literary Terms. N.p. 2012, 7 Aug Web. 15 Jan Preston, Julia. "Girl, Trapped in Water for 55 Hours, Dies Despite Rescue Efforts." Boston Globe [Boston] 17 Nov. 1985: n. pag. Print.

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