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Edith Hamilton’s Mythology.

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1 Edith Hamilton’s Mythology

2 Zeus (Jupiter)

3 Area of control— Lord of the Sky, Rain God
Family relations— Siblings: Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia Wife: Hera /Father to– Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite (in Illiad), Hermes, Hephaestus Sacred symbols— Thunderbolt; aegis (shield) Personality— moody and capricious; a philanderer (cheater)

4 Hera (Juno)

5 Area of control— Goddess of Marriage
Family relations—Husband: Zeus Children: Ares and Hephaestus Sacred symbols— peacock; city of Argos Personality— jealous; vengeful; vain

6 Poseidon (Neptune)

7 Area of control—God of the Sea
Family relations—brother to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades; wife Amphitrite Sacred symbols—trident; horse Personality—as most deities, dangerous when angered

8 Hades (Pluto)

9 Area of control—God of Underworld and Wealth
Family relations—brother to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades; wife Persephone Sacred symbols— cap of invisibility; Cerberus the 3 headed dog Personality—unpitying, but just (fair)

10 Pallas Athena (Minerva)

11 Area of control—Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare
Family relations—daughter of Zeus; sprang from his head fully grown Sacred symbols— Owl; olive tree; battle armor Personality—wise, brave, prideful

12 Phoebus Apollo

13 Area of control—God of Light and Truth; the Healer
Family relations—son of Zeus and Leto; twin brother to Artemis Sacred symbols—Sun; golden bow and arrow; dolphin

14 Artemis (Diana)

15 Area of control—Goddess of the Hunt and Moon; Goddess of Wild Things; Protector of Young Maidens
Family relations—daughter of Zeus and Leto; twin sister to Apollo Sacred symbols—Moon; silver bow and arrow; deer Personality—can be violent when pursued

16 Aphrodite (Venus)

17 Area of control—Goddess of Love and Beauty
Family relations—daughter of Zeus OR (more commonly) sprang from foam of the sea; wife to Hephaestus Sacred symbols—dove; myrtle tree Personality—vain, jealous, manipulative

18 Hermes (Mercury)

19 Area of control—Messenger God; Master Thief
Family relations—son of Zeus and Maia Sacred symbols—winged cap and sandals; the cadeuceus Personality— shrewd and cunning; trickster

20 Ares (Mars)

21 Area of control—God of War
Family relations—son of Zeus and Hera (neither one liked him) Sacred symbols—battle armor; dog Personality—a warrior, yet at times a coward; angry and hateful

22 Hephaestus (Vulcan & Mulciber)

23 Area of control—God of Fire and the Forge; Blacksmith to the gods
Family relations—son to Zeus and Hera; husband to Aphrodite Sacred symbols—fire; the forge (where H. made the weapons for all of the gods and goddesses) Personality—best loved of all the gods; lame and ugly (the only ugly deity)

24 Hestia (Vesta)

25 Area of control—Goddess of the Home and Hearth
Family relations—sister to Zeus and others Sacred symbols—the hearth/fireplace

26 Eros (Cupid)

27 Area of control—God of Love
Family relations—son to Aphrodite (Venus); husband to Psyche Sacred symbols—bow and arrow Personality—sometimes portrayed as mischievous

28 Dionysus (Bacchus)

29 Area of control –God of Wine and Revelry (party god)
Family relations—husband to Ariadne Sacred symbols—grapes and the vine Personality—could be jolly one moment yet turn angry and violent the next; often portrayed as accompanied by his Maenads

30 Demeter (Ceres)

31 Area of control— Goddess of the Grain & Harvest
Family relations—sister to Zeus and others; mother to Persephone Sacred symbols--grain

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