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Hookworm is an infectious disease caused by the infestation of parasitic roundworms

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Presentation on theme: "Hookworm is an infectious disease caused by the infestation of parasitic roundworms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hookworm is an infectious disease caused by the infestation of parasitic roundworms

2 There are three stages of host infection:
Larval activation, host invasion, and tissue migration Nutrient acquisition Neutralization of host defenses Pearson, M. S., Tribolet, L., Cantacessi, C., Periago, M. V., Valerio, M. A., Jariwala, A. R., Bethony, J. (2012). Molecular mechanisms of hookworm disease: Stealth, virulence, and vaccines. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 130(1), doi:

3 Itching and localized rash (light infection)
“ground itch” Abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and anemia (heavy infection) Severe malnutrition

4 There is a strong correlation between hookworm presence and low socioeconomic status.
Add drug mechanisms, why antigens for vaccine

5 Hookworm disease may be suspected due to several risk factors; diagnosis is confirmed with a stool sample.

6 Treatment involves a two-step procedure
Eliminate parasite: Treat complications: -Drugs are anthelminitic Single dose of 500 mg of mebendazole or 100 mg of mebendazole twice a day for 3 consecutive days. OR Single dose of 400 mg albendazole. Iron therapy, appropriate diet, nutritional support Possibly folate supplementation Hospitalization for severe anemia or congestive heart failure

7 Benzimidazoles bind β-tubulin to inhibit microtubule synthesis

8 Vaccines are in development to stimulate the immune system against hookworm infection
Na-GST-1 and Na-APR-1 are the antigens used in the production of the vaccines each of which is an important parasite enzyme required for hookworms to successfully utilize host blood as a source of energy Vaccine targets Necator americanus, the hookworm species responsible for approximately three-quarters or more of all human hookworm infections

9 Modeling Predicts a vaccine could dramatically reduce hookworm incidence
Make into two slides?? Peter J. Hotez, David Diemert, Kristina M. Bacon, Coreen Beaumier, Jeffrey M. Bethony, Maria Elena Bottazzi, Simon Brooker, Artur Roberto Couto, Marcos da Silva Freire, Akira Homma, Bruce Y. Lee, Alex Loukas, Marva Loblack, Carlos Medicis Morel, Rodrigo Correa Oliveira, Philip K. Russell, The Human Hookworm Vaccine, Vaccine, Volume 31, Supplement 2, 18 April 2013, Pages B227-B232, ISSN X, (

10 Prevention by education is key to reducing incidence
Sanitary disposal of feces Proper latrine use Avoid walking barefoot Avoid contact with/ingestion of soil

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