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Presentation on theme: "AMERICAN IMPERIALISM."— Presentation transcript:


2 What makes a country a World Power?
1. What countries are considered “World Powers” today? 2. What do those countries have that make them “World Powers?” 3. How do/did they get those things? Imperialism

3 Targets 1. Describe the concept of imperialism
2. Describe how America becomes involved in imperialism.

4 What is Imperialism? The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories

5 European Imperialism Africa
- “Described as a cake” everyone wants a slice -France, Belgium, Italy, Germany , Portugal, Spain Britain -Queen Victoria (1/4 of the world’s land and people)

6 American’s liked the idea of expansion. Why?
1. Economic 2. Military 3. Racial and cultural superiority

7 Economic Competition American Industry is over producing
What would solve the problem? Trade with foreign countries Why would Americans like this? America would become a world economic power

8 Military If other nations held a “global military presence”…U.S. must do the same. Admiral Alfred T. Mahan (pres of Navel War College) 1. build modern “steel” fleet 2. build canal through Panama 3. Acquire Hawaii and other Pacific Islands Why would Americans like this?

9 Racial and Cultural superiority
Justify Imperialism Darwinism Survival of the fittest Spread of Christianity to save the “inferior” people.

10 What do you think of Imperialism?
Is it good or bad? Right or wrong? Overall…Americans embraced imperialism

11 Hawaii Huge number of sugar plantations controlled by American businesses Through a coup, the U.S. takes over Hawaii Eventually annexes it

12 Cuba Why Cuba? Sugar plantations
Spanish colony that always had problems first war for Cuban independence Got rid of slavery but not independence

13 Cuba “cont” 1895, Jose Marti used Guerrilla tactics and destroyed American property in Cuba Cuba Libre Many Americans wanted war- Why??? Theodore Roosevelt

14 The Spanish-American War

15 Targets 1. List and Describe the Causes and Effects of the Spanish-American War

16 Causes of War? Sugar Plantations Cuba Libre

17 Immediate Cause of the War?
Feb 15th 1898 Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

18 Roosevelt’s Speech Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Gives a speech supporting war Why does Roosevelt want war?

19 American Journalists William Randolph Hearst Frederic Remington
Look for Hearst’s reaction to the news. Why?

20 Why is war good for the newspapers?
Cuban Suffering= “Good Press” Leads to Exaggeration

21 Roosevelt wants war! Roosevelt Colonel Leonard Wood William McKinley

22 The De Lome Letter On McKinley: “Weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd, besides being a would-be politician who tries to leave the door open behind himself while keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party De Lome “A white-livered president that had no more backbone than a chocolate éclair” Roosevelt

23 President McKinley John Hay Why do they offer Wheeler a command?
President William McKinley John Hay “Fighting” Joe Wheeler Why do they offer Wheeler a command?

24 Listen for Hearst’s famous quote.
Yellow Journalism Hay Remmington Hearst Listen for Hearst’s famous quote.

25 Yellow Journalism “You furnish the Pictures Freddie and I’ll furnish the war.” “Remember the Maine and to hell with Spain”

26 Dewey and Manila Manila Bay Philippines First fight of war
Spain 381 died America=1 *not from actual battle Assisted in Rebellion in Philippines

27 Rough Riders Wood Bucky O’Neill

28 Who are the Rough Riders?
Why are the Rough Riders so popular both then and now? Listen for Roosevelt’s speech to the press

29 William McKinley goes to war
As of now, there is only a blockade on Cuba

30 Invasion of Cuba Many mistakes 1. Not enough boats
2. Landing on the beaches 3. Las Guasimas Americans won anyway!

31 San Juan Hill

32 Roosevelt’s Rough Riders

33 San Juan Hill


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