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Focus - Habitat Comparison

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1 Focus - Habitat Comparison
WHERE ON EARTH Focus - Habitat Comparison YEARS 3 and 4 Spring 1 2017 ENGLISH Poetry linked to the Magic Box by Kit Wright Stanley Saves the Rainforest by Tony Frais. Amazonian folk tales instead of Kit Wright The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry Non- Fiction writing about Deforestation and Global Warming. MATHS Number - Fractions Measurement – Time Number - Decimals Number - Multiplication and Division Measurement - Money Shape and Space work linked to the rainforest Charts and Graphs- Habitat work in Science SCIENCE Plants and Classifying Living Things Habitats Planning and Carrying out Investigations HISTORY History of the Earth’s physical geography GEOGRAPHY Climate Zones Biomes Vegetation Belts Map work to locate countries and describe features ART/ DESIGN AND TECH Pointillism Work on Rainforest Animals Andy Goldsworthy Art using Natural Materials PE/GAMES Invasion Games Hockey Rugby Gymnastics COMPUTING Games in the New World MFL (FRENCH) L’espace - Space Mamba et L’oiseau crocodile Mamba and the crocodile bird Building sentences using verbs and adverbs MUSIC The Environment Composition linked to Geography Composition linked to Science RE/PSHE Humanism

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