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How to Cite.

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1 How to Cite

2 Step 3: Double check If you can, always try to find information to back up your sources Don’t base a whole paper on a claim you can only find once on a .com site *Keep track of your sources as you find them, or citing becomes difficult!*

3 How to CITE We will be using MLA citations
Next to any information you get from a source (even if it’s not a direct quote!) you must include a parenthetical citation At the end of your paper/presentation, you will have a Works Cited On the next couple slide, write everything that is in PURPLE

4 Parenthetical citations
A parenthetical citation must include the author’s last name and the publication date. Example: Raising geese requires at least 10 square feet for every 2 geese (Laster, 2009). If you don’t know the author’s name, include a short version of the title. If you don’t know the date, use “n.d.” Raising geese requires at least 10 square feet for every 2 geese (Geese Raising, n.d.).

5 A FULL Citation A full citation must include: Example:
Author’s last and first name(s) The title of the article/book The organization/website/publisher The web address The publishing date Last, First. “Title”. Organization, web address, date. Example: Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, 

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