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oonyu WEB PAGE AUTHORINHG AND DESIGNING “o’level notes on web designing” prepared by Mr. Oonyu Ali 12/2/2018

2 Tools used to access web pages
oonyu Tools used to access web pages 12/2/2018

3 Areas of concern Web page Web site Web publishing
oonyu Areas of concern Web page Web site Web publishing Web scripting languages Web browsers Text editors. Saving criteria. Elements in HTML 12/2/2018

4 oonyu Web page This is an individual document accessed electronically over the internet. 12/2/2018

5 oonyu WEB BROWSERS These are programmes that display related web pages over the internet. Note: “internet is global inter-connection of computers or computer networks.” These must be installed on one’s machine to use them. However some are default i.e. windows internet explorer. They are embedded with in the operating system. 12/2/2018

6 Examples of web browsers
oonyu Examples of web browsers Opera mini Google Chrome UC browser Netscape navigator Internet explorer Mozilla firefox among others……….. 12/2/2018

7 website First page displayed is HOME page/ INDEX page.
oonyu website This is a collection of related documents accessed electronically over the internet. First page displayed is HOME page/ INDEX page. 12/2/2018

8 oonyu An example of website 12/2/2018

9 oonyu Website with links 12/2/2018

10 oonyu Yahoo website 12/2/2018

11 oonyu CNN website 12/2/2018

12 oonyu Web publishing Web publishing is the development and maintenance of Web pages. A Webmaster is a job title for the individuals responsible for developing Web pages and maintaining a Web site. Creating a Web site, called Web page authoring, involves working on the computer to compose the Web site. You don't have to be a computer programmer to develop a Web page. For the small business or home user, Web publishing is fairly easy as long as you have the proper tools. 12/2/2018

13 Steps in web publishing
oonyu Steps in web publishing The five major steps to Web publishing are Plan a Web site, Analyze and design a Web site, Create a Web site, Deploy a Web site Maintain a Web site. After your Web pages are created, you store them on a Web server. 12/2/2018

14 Web scripting languages
oonyu Web scripting languages These are languages that code or write web based documents. These are include: 12/2/2018


16 Language of interest at this level
oonyu Language of interest at this level HTML This is a scripting language that describes content of a web document. HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. 12/2/2018

17 Parts of HTML document/web page
oonyu Parts of HTML document/web page there are three main parts of an html page/document i.e. <html> <head> <body> 12/2/2018

18 oonyu What is a tag? A html tag is composed of the name of the element surrounded by angle brackets. For example a paragraph would b written as; <p> am in senior four </p> 12/2/2018

19 oonyu Tags used in html < > These are opening tags </> these are closing tags. For example : <html>……</html> NB: opening tag should be closed in that way. <head>…..</head> etc 12/2/2018

20 oonyu Html declaration there are only two ways of declaring in html… these are; <html> or <!doc type html> The browser will automatically display the page so long as saved with file extension of .html This must be at the beginning of the document it’s a MUST. 12/2/2018

21 oonyu My first page First declare to the browser and then proceed.. <!doc type html> <head> <title>my café</title> </head> </html>. Therefore the title will be displayed in the address bar only. As below……. 12/2/2018

22 The above is page that displays only the title “my café ”
oonyu The above is page that displays only the title “my café ” 12/2/2018

23 oonyu My first page cont’d <!doc type html> <head> <title> My café </title> </head> <body> This is the best café </body> </html> This page will display the title and the body as below……….. 12/2/2018

24 Title and body is displayed “this is the café”
oonyu Title and body is displayed “this is the café” 12/2/2018

25 Text editors Notepad Notepad ++
oonyu Text editors Notepad Notepad ++ this is where codes are written from then displayed by the browser. 12/2/2018

26 oonyu Saving criteria These web documents are saved with a file extension of .html. a file extension is suffix that appears at the end of document and determines which file to be opened. For example mycafe.html 12/2/2018

27 ELEMENTS USED IN HTML. Right after this
oonyu conclusively ELEMENTS USED IN HTML. Right after this “o’level notes on web designing” prepared by Mr. Oonyu Ali 12/2/2018

28 Heading elements These range from <h1> to <h6>
oonyu Heading elements These range from <h1> to <h6> <h1>heading 1</h1> <h2>heading 2</h2> <h3>heading 3</h3> <h4>heading 4</h4> <h5>heading 5</h5> <h6>heading 6</h6> Result: 12/2/2018

29 Browser display They should be in order from h1 to h2 and so on….
oonyu Browser display They should be in order from h1 to h2 and so on…. 12/2/2018

30 oonyu Table elements <table>… html table <tr>…. Table row <td>…. Table data / cell <th>…. Table header <colspan>….. Column span <rowspan>…. Row span <caption>….. Table caption 12/2/2018

31 oonyu Coding a table <table> <tr> <th>schools</th> <th>performance</th> </tr> <td>jipra</td> <td>100%</td> <td>mwiri</td> <td>50%</td> 12/2/2018

32 oonyu Result: schools performance jipra 100% mwiri 50% 12/2/2018


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