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Pond House A Grade II* Listed conversion project in Hackney creating five private apartments and six new build town houses. Developer: One Housing Group.

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2 Pond House A Grade II* Listed conversion project in Hackney creating five private apartments and six new build town houses. Developer: One Housing Group Contract Sum: £1.8 million Silver is appointed Employers Agent and Site Inspector

3 St Albans Road, Watford 14 new build one, two and three bedroom apartments for rented and shared ownership. Client: Origin Housing Group Contract Sum: £1.32 million Our Role:Employers Agent

4 NW Bicester Eco Town Exemplar Phase - 393 new homes built to Code 5 Silver appointed Client Representative for the Exemplar phase; the blue print for the future Master Plan providing 5000 zero carbon dwellings. north west bicester

5 Tentelow Lane Client: Notting Hill Housing Contract Sum: £3.4 million Our Role:Employers Agent New build mixed tenure scheme in Southall, Middlesex will provide 24 one and two bedroom apartments for Shared Ownership and Affordable rent.

6 64 apartments for shared ownership and affordable rented as part of the 235 apartment scheme in Aldgate. Altitude, London E1 Client: Gallions Housing Group Contract Sum:£4.7 million Our RoleEmployers Agent and Site Inspector

7 537a Staines Road Client: Stoll Contract Sum: Circa £4.68 million Our Role:Employers Agent Silver identified this site in Feltham to create 36 new homes and shared communal facilities for ex-servicemen..

8 Milkwood A new build mixed tenure scheme comprising of 36 apartments and six town houses for Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership.. Client: Peabody Contract Sum: Circa £5 million Our Role:Employers Agent

9 Ipsus07 Balham Hill Client: A2Dominion Group Contract Sum: £2.25 million Our Role:Contract Administration

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