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Searching for Solar Breakthroughs Breakout Session #2 - Introduction

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1 Searching for Solar Breakthroughs Breakout Session #2 - Introduction
Colorado Rural Electric Association 7th Annual Energy Innovations Summit Denver, Colorado Greg Wilson Director, Center for Materials Applications & Performance Co-Director, National Center for Photovoltaics National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden, Colorado - USA 12 September, 2016

2 National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dedicated Solely to Advancing Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Research toward Enabling Deployment onto a Modernized Grid Physical Assets Owned by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy under Contract to DOE 1700 permanent staff and world-class facilities More than 350 active partnerships annually Campus is a living model of sustainable energy 2

3 SERI becomes the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
SERI begins operation National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV) is established NCPV Today 1977 1991 1996

4 Sources: Strategies Unlimited, Navigant Consulting & Paula Mints
PV Module Cost Decline SunShot 2020 Goal: 50¢/W Sources: Strategies Unlimited, Navigant Consulting & Paula Mints

5 450ppm Goal: Dramatic Change Needed
Source: IEA World Energy Outlook Must hold overall energy consumption essentially flat for the next 25 years through major gains in energy efficiency. Must begin a major shift to zero carbon generation immediately, with measurable reductions by 2020.

6 SOLAR 23,000 per year World EnergyRessources
renewable finite World Energy Resources (TW-yr) WIND 60-120 per year 215 Total SOLAR 23,000 per year Natural Gas Waves 0.2-2 per year 3 -11 per year 240 Total OTEC Petroleum 2 – 6 per year 2010 World required ~16 TW Biomass 3 – 4 per year 90-300 Total HYDRO 0.3 – 2 per year TIDES Geothermal 2050: ~28 TW 0.3 per year Uranium 900 Total reserve © R. Perez et al. COAL 6 6 6 6

7 SHALE SOLAR 23,000 per year World Energy Resources (TW-yr) WIND 60-120
renewable finite World Energy Resources (TW-yr) WIND 60-120 per year 330 Total SOLAR 23,000 per year Natural Gas Waves 0.2-2 per year SHALE 3 -11 per year 310 Total OTEC Petroleum 2 – 6 per year 2010 World required ~16 TW Biomass 3 – 4 per year 90-300 Total HYDRO 0.3 – 2 per year TIDES Geothermal 2050: ~28 TW 0.3 per year Uranium 900 Total reserve © R. Perez et al. COAL 7 7 7 7

8 PV Annual Production: 1990 - 2015

9 PV Industry Growth – By Technology
Si, single crystal and multi-crystalline, are by far the dominant technology. Thin films, CdTe and CIGS, are holding on at a fairly constant fraction but could take more share if efficiency goes up at the same price point.

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