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Survey of Microorganisms

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1 Survey of Microorganisms
BIOL 350 Survey of Microorganisms Fall 2003 Dr. Lee H. Lee

2 1. Bacteria A. Cocci Oil immersion

3 B. Bacilli Oil immersion

4 C. Spiral Oil immersion

5 2. Cyanobacteria A. Nostoc Low power High power

6 B. Anacystis nidulan Low power High power

7 C. Oscillatoria Low power 100X High Power 400X

8 D. Anabenae Low power 130X High power 400X

9 3. Algae A. Euglena Low power High power

10 B. Chlamydomonas Low power High power

11 C. Volvox Low power High Power

12 D. Peridinium Low power High power

13 E. Oedogonium Low power High power

14 F. Chlorella Low power High power

15 G. Spyrogyra Low power High power

16 H. Diatoms Low power High power

17 More Diatoms

18 4. Fungi A. Budding yeast Two different slides

19 B. Penicillum High power Low power

20 More Penicillum

21 C. Aspergillus Low power High power

22 D. Rhizopus Low power High power

23 5. Protozoa A. Amoeba Two different slides

24 B. Paramecium High power Low power

25 C. Blephairsma Two different slides

26 D. Stentor Low power High power

27 E. Plasmodium Low power High power

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