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ALGAE FUEL ...and more!.

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Presentation on theme: "ALGAE FUEL ...and more!."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALGAE FUEL ...and more!

2 1. Energy costs increasing; fossil fuels decreasing.
Issue: 1. Energy costs increasing; fossil fuels decreasing. 2. Present pace = catastrophic! Solution: Algae oil! 1. Carbon Neutral 2. High-Yield 3. Hardy Biodiesel Energy: To replace current US petroleum consumption: 1.9 million square kilometers for soy vs for algae = 2% as much land!

3 Roadblocks: 1. High cost for algae 2. Harvesting [Oil Loss, Algae Recovery] 3. Land vs. Water 4. Algal Blooms [Biodiversity] 5. Efficiency Solutions: 1. Us 2. You

4 Other Ideas Dirt Power Biodigesters Increasing efficiency of bacteria
Decrease the temperature at which the bacteria die Efficiency -- create more methane Indicator that the fertilizer is clean of pathogens (change color once reach a temperature threshold) Dirt Power Increasing efficiency of bacteria Decreasing reliance on chemicals

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