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… and where should you be in the process?

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1 … and where should you be in the process?
Choosing a Project … and where should you be in the process?

2 Where should you be now in the development of your topic?
You should have.. one or more general topics in mind. located some general or background resources to learn about your topic(s). started to evaluate if the research area fits the criteria. Now you should .. begin locating a few articles, although we realize you will learn more about searching the literature on Wednesday. Note: you will still be required to perform and document a thorough literature search after we cover ‘Searching the Literature’ even if you think you have found enough articles for the assignments.

3 How do I narrow my topic? “The topic that a scientist… chooses to study usually involves some combination of… interest in the phenomenon, technical expertise and resources needed to do the study, and ability to get funding for the project.” Lee, p29

4 Getting started in on your IRSL Project
Select a general subject area Narrow down the research area Find research articles… refine the research area and title Select an area sufficiently narrow as if to encompass a small grant (e.g. several articles) Reiterative process of writing project topic and finding papers: Topic is driven by the papers!!!

5 Clarification: On what is the project based?
On the literature, though may be a foundation for an undergraduate research project in the future.

6 Developing your Project
Read news articles, encyclopedias, textbooks Search the literature: Find a review article Find primary research articles In reality, searching does not stop at the first article You will demonstrate your ability to search the literature. Think about the significance of the research

7 Write down a plan Proposals & Titles Why write a title early?
Clarify your thinking Draw together seemingly disparate information Provide direction Refine your ideas What are some common problems of titles? (see assigned reading)

8 Title Problems Too long or short General, vague terms vs specific
Syntax errors Note: Titles are labels, not a sentence… Should not end in punctuation!

9 Topic Title Criteria See course booklet
Organism or system Particular aspect of system or phenomenon being studied What question is being asked Variables being manipulated If applicable: define abbreviations or jargon You know when your topic is sufficiently narrow when… you can write a Topic Title (i.e. not a paragraph and meeting all criteria)… that encompasses your 3 main articles

10 Narrowing your Topic How is this? Your topics: From the booklet Cancer
Breast cancer studied in mice Changes in mechanoreceptors may induce breast cancer in mice Mutations/Distribution/Types in mechanoreceptors Relationships/Correlations Your topics: We will share topic titles … How will you evaluate? From the booklet Regulation of human and murine neutrophil migration by IL-1 (Interleukin-1) during inflammation Potential linkage of reproductive deformities in frog species (Rana pipiens and Xenopus laevis) and the application of the herbicide Atrazine to row crops

11 Each Topic Must be Unique
Unique = Topic titles and Articles are different from others General area could overlap Topic Title Coordination Survey See syllabus: due 9/26, notify of overlap by 9/28 If too much overlap, must change topics Usually can help you find something closely related If overlap, who continues is based on progress Can we approve your topic now so you can reserve it? We cannot approve until your topic title and articles come together and fulfill the criteria.

12 Looking Ahead Wednesday 9/12: Monday 9/17: Meet in Sauls Auditorium
Guest: Ms. Brooke Taxakis, Librarian Return to Rm 106 to discuss topics. Note: must demonstrate progress each form Monday 9/17: Turn in Topic Progress Form Week 1: Discuss briefly Discuss Searching the Literature Quiz on Nature of Science

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