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Session 3 Welcome: To session 3-the second learning sequence

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1 Session 3 Welcome: To session 3-the second learning sequence
“ Relational algebra “ Recap : In the previous learning sequences, we discussed the relational model. Present learning: We shall explore the following topics: - Relational algebra. - Some operators.

2 Relational Algebra

3 Query Languages Language in which user requests information from the database. Categories of languages procedural non-procedural “Pure” languages: Relational Algebra Tuple Relational Calculus Domain Relational Calculus Pure languages form underlying basis of query languages that people use.

4 Relational Algebra Procedural language Four basic operators
select project union Intersection The operators take one or more relations as inputs and give a new relation as a result.

5 Select Operation Notation:  p(r) p is called the selection predicate
Defined as: p(r) = {t | t  r and p(t)} Where p is a formula in propositional calculus consisting of terms connected by :  (and),  (or),  (not) Each term is one of: <attribute> op <attribute> or <constant> where op is one of: =, , >, . <.  Example of selection:  branch-name=“Perryridge” (account)

6 Select Operation – Example

7 Select Operation – Example
The result is the relation: Account-number Branch-name balance A-102 Perryridge 400 7

8 Select Operation – Example
 Balance >“700” (account) Account-number Branch-name balance A-201 Brighton 900 A-217 750 8

9 Project Operation Notation: A1, A2, …, Ak (r)
where A1, A2 are attribute names and r is a relation name. The result is defined as the relation of k columns obtained by erasing the columns that are not listed Duplicate rows removed from result, since relations are sets

10 Project Operation E.g. To eliminate the branch-name attribute of account account-number, balance (account) The result relation is:

11 Project Operation Account-number Balance A-101 500 A102 400 A-201 900
700 A-217 750 A-222 A-305 350 11

12 Union Operation Notation: r  s Defined as:
r  s = {t | t  r or t  s} For r  s to be valid. 1. r, s must have the same arity (same number of attributes) 2. The attribute domains must be compatible (e.g., 2nd column of r deals with the same type of values as does the 2nd column of s)

13 Union Operation E.g. to find all customers with either an account or a loan customer-name (depositor)  customer-name (borrower) Customer-name Account-no. Ali A-101 Mahmood A-201 Ahmid A-217 Linda A-222 Rana A-305 Customer-name Loan-no. Ali L-11 Kasim Ahmid L-25 Linda Rana L-34 depositor borrower

14 Union Operation Customer-name Ali Mahmood Ahmid Linda Rana ….
customer-name (depositor) customer-name (borrower) Customer-name Ali Mahmood Ahmid Linda Rana …. Customer-name Ali Kasim Ahmid Linda Rana …..

15 Union Operation Customer-name Ali Mahmood Ahmid Linda Rana Kasim
The result relation is: Customer-name Ali Mahmood Ahmid Linda Rana Kasim

16 Intersection Operation
Notation: r  s Defined as: r  s ={ t | t  r and t  s } Assume: r, s have the same arity attributes of r and s are compatible Note: r  s = r - (r - s)

17 Intersection Operation
E.g. to find all customers with an account and a loan customer-name (depositor)  customer-name (borrower) Customer-name Account-no. Ali A-101 Mahmood A-201 Ahmid A-217 Linda A-222 Rana A-305 Customer-name Loan-no. Ali L-11 Kasim Ahmid L-25 Linda Rana L-34 depositor borrower

18 Intersection Operation
customer-name (depositor) customer-name (borrower) Customer-name Ali Mahmood Ahmid Linda Rana …. Customer-name Ali Kasim Ahmid Linda Rana …..

19 Intersection Operation
The result relation is: Customer-name Ali Ahmid Linda Rana

20 Relational Algebra Summary: In this learning sequence, we discussed Four basic operators of the topic relational algebra.

21 END

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